Thursday, March 1, 2007


Okay, maybe not....not in Saskatchewan. But we ARE getting an awful lot of snow suddenly. It's the pretty, fluffy kind. They say we have about 8cm so far, and it's still coming down. It sure did make papers a lot harder today, as I had to slog through the unshovelled snow to everyone's mailbox....but it was relatively warm, so that made it a lot nicer.
We are likely scrapping the whole new phone number has been causing so much frustration just in the 2 days we have had's VoIP, and it keeps kicking out so we can hear people on the other end, but they can't hear us. If we can't fix it by the end of the day, we're just going to have to find some other way to save $$.
I read the blogs of two friends every day, and have come to the conclusion that my style of blogging is not so much the way most people blog. Mine is kind of like a public diary, a letter to all, a way to keep people up to date with me...most people, I guess, go for the super deep, serious, hard issues. Makes me wonder if the fact that I don't do that makes me seem shallow. Maybe so. But then, I want this blog to be "me"....and writing the way they do and about the kinds of topics they do,well, that just wouldn't be me. I'd much rather be real and have the "me-ness" come through than be forcing myself to come up with deep topics and essentially faking my way through the whole thing, pretending to know something about pretty much anything. As I was saying to Husband last night, I graduated university with a GPA of somewhere around 3.2 or 3.4 (I forget), but since becoming a Mom, my brains have leaked out my ears. I remember very little academically, and my world is pretty much housework and interacting with a 6 year old and a 2 year old, with church and Sweet Adelines thrown in. Not that this is a point is simply that my brain doesn't run on that academic level anymore....I run on the "this is my house, these are my kids, this is my Husband...they must be cleaned, fed, cared for...this is my plan to achieve this today" mind loop. My concern is simply that people will think less of me because I am no longer the academic whiz, the scholastic keener I used to be, but rather have settled into the role of humble housewife and stay-at-home mom (which I personally think should be a paid position, but hey, I'll do it anyway)

1 comment:

neville222 said...

I agreee that stay at home mums should be paid. It saves the gov't money. Here, they stop paying an allowance to single mothers when the younest child is 7. Then the mother is expected to find work. That's too young in my opinion. Yet it's ok for for doctor's wives, etc to laze about at the local gym, etc.
In short, politicians rave about the virtues of family but make it hard to fullfill the scenario. And some feminist org's are resistant to motherhood in general.