Friday, December 7, 2007

Who Says I Have to Grow Up?

The fun thing about having kids is that you get to ACT like one, sometimes even in public. I took Son to see Little Bear live on stage the other day. Sitting in the vast auditorium with all the other parents and kids-under-5, and of course, my son, we had a blast. We yelled and called out for characters when told to do so, we waved our star wands (fibre optic lighted wands), sang and danced with the songs....I mean, come ON! How often do you get to scream like a fool at the end of a show, deep, philosophical comments like "BYE CAT! BYE DUCK! BYE OWL! BYE EMILY! BYE LITTLE BEAR! BYE ZEPHYR!" and not have people looking at you as if you've spilled your brains out along the highway somewhere.
Speaking of which....getting there was not fun. There had been a several car pileup along the highway on the way to the show. Three lanes of traffic squeezed down to one while the police, fire engine, tow trucks, and squished cars got themselves all sorted out. I pity the poor policeman that had to plant himself in the middle of the highway, in the dark, and try to not only direct these three lanes of traffic into one, but also try not to get hit by the fools who were trying to pass the accident without looking for him. I mean, I was going something like 5kph, and even *I* had trouble seeing him. The show people were very smart....they postponed the start of the show by about 15 minutes to allow for us poor people who got stuck on the highway to squeak through and get there. Little kids are not known for being particularly understanding about things like "Gee, I'm sorry, you missed the first part because of the traffic".
Speaking of bears and animals and such, our animals are sure costing us a lot of money these days! We had to take Dog in to get a shot so she is allowed to stay in the kennel over Christmas. That was not cheap. And Big Cat has to go in for surgery next week because he has a lump on his leg. The surgery and the following analysis of said lump is going to run us about $450. Ouch! But he's our sucky baby, so we are going through with it, and obviously hoping it won't turn out to be cancer.