Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Wasting Time

The computer is a great time waster. The problem is that it's just so much FUN!!!!!
This afternoon, when Husband headed out to work, my plan for the afternoon was this: 1:30-2: Read e-mail, do blog, etc. 2-2:30 have bath 2:30-3:50 fold 3 loads of laundry, start new loads, watch some Dr Phil on PVR while knitting on blanket that needs to be redone, take bread out of bread machine.
It is now 2:50. I have read e-mail, I'm doing my blog, I played a free trial game for the allotted HOUR the trial gives you. My bathwater is likely cold, the bread machine should be nearly done, I have folded NOTHING, knitted NOTHING, and started NO laundry.
Fun, fun, fun.
Oh well. The upside is that Son seems to have recovered from his horrible day yesterday (somebody gave him a cookie at church on Sunday...store bought...and it either contained some unknown preservative or traces of tree nuts, and we discovered he had barfed AND had diarrhea in the night, and continued to have a nasty day until around supper last night). Now we know....absolutely NO store bought cookies (oh yeah, poor guy....has to eat homemade, what torture, eh?), and NO tree nuts (tried him on chocolate bar with almond in it awhile back...definitely NOT again). Daughter is back at school after a 4-day weekend. And I have Chorus tonight. Yay! :)

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