Friday, March 30, 2007

Creak, creak

Well, I did get up and go to work...and to the gym this morning. I'm a little stiff, but nothing too major. My back muscles are pretty raw, and my joints are achey, but I think the fact that I got up and got out to do the papers and stairstepper has kept anything else from being a problem. Husband is still sleeping, so I don't know how he's doing yet.
It's a nice day out. No rain, which sure is a blessing in our situation. Not sure how long we will have to wait to get the van in, and how long it will take them to do all the work on it....and how soon the other guy will take to report it to SGI, or how long until they say definitely the liability is on his side (it is, but because he hasn't reported yet, legaleze, blah, blah) if he doesn't report it. Today I hunt up some plastic and tape....probably some of that stuff you use over windows in winter to keep drafts out.
Well, off to pop some Tylenol and take another stab at the house...including today, my sister and b-i-l arrive in 4 days.
Oh yeah....heart rate of 150 today.

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