Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Frustrations and hopes

We had a few issues with the new phone line yesterday...for most of the day, we struggled with the fact that if we phoned someone, they could not hear us. At all. Finally Husband figured out our portable was incompatible with the Talk Broadband. Switched to your basic chained-to-the-wall type phone, and all is well. Later that evening, it won't work. No signal at all. Nothing. Turns out the internet was down. A little frustrating, but that's why we have cell phones....just in case. But if we continue to have a lot of problems, we may just say forget the savings, cancel the Talk Broadband, keep the Sasktel line.
Tried out for the part as Oliver last night. There were 6 parts, there were 6 people (I think), so one way or another, I should get at least a small part. I really, really, really hope I get to be Oliver...but I'm pretty sure I didn't get the part because there's this young thing (25, I think), who was really good at emoting. Until I've had some practice, I'm a little stiff in that area. But if they like my solo voice (because it's a sweeter sound than this girl....she has a powerful, strong sounding voice that might work better in an adult role), maybe they'll overlook the stiffness for awhile and choose me. The frustrating thing is I likely won't even know for sure for another week and a few days.
My weight went up 2 pounds this week. I have to change my habits....and hopefully in the fall will be able to afford that leisure pass so I can use the track and such.
I am so tired....almost falling asleep even as I type. Going to go snooze on the couch 'til the kids get up. ZZzzZZzzZZzz

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