Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's about time!

I am one of those pathetic souls who, even knowing how dumb it is, watches reality TV...Apprentice, Biggest Loser, Survivor, that sort of thing. Now, in the past few years, one thing has been blatantly clear (okay, maybe a few things....)...Survivor is created for people who like to drool at flesh. Never is there an ugly, fat, lazy slob on the island. Never do you see them wandering around in much more than bathing trunks or a bikini. Also, due to this fact, the show never takes place anywhere that is not hot, tropical, and on a beach. This is getting a bit boring. They all look the same, location-wise, except maybe when they were in Australia. Their twists have been interesting, though the last two have been downright stupid...last season they had different ethnic groups, separated...hellloooooo racism law suit! This season one team gets a luxurious beach (shelter, hammock, dishes, food....) and the other gets poverty (a machette and not much else)....then they're all shocked that the poor starving team NEVER wins a challenge and the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and if they're not careful they're going to have a law suit because someone's going to reach a level of starvation where they will be hospitalized?
I heard on the radio this morning that maybe, just maybe, they're getting a little smarter....they're considering doing a season in Canada. They're a bit concerned about the boys not being happy to watch girls in parkas, but we Canadians have been saying they should send the players up to Nunavut in winter, make them REALLY prove they can survive.
In other news...
Heart rate at 158 today. So I've decreased my rate by 12 points in a week. Not too shabby! My weight is the same. Lost one inch from my hips....but put it on my waist instead this month. Next month should be better, I would think.
Daughter is sick with a nasty barking cough....hoping we are not going through another bout of bronchitis, especially since Husband always seems to catch it and hang onto it for several months at a time.

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