Thursday, March 29, 2007

Bad day

Today is a bad, bad, bad day. The worst. One of those days when you just want to go back to bed and forget today ever was. It's only 8:14AM.
I have been betrayed and lost all trust and confidence in someone. They messed up...again. And I am mad. Not just hurt and sad, but really MAD this time. This time it is going to take a very long time to trust this person again, if I can do it at all. The biggest problem is that this is someone very dear to me, and it's so hard to not be able to count on this person. But this person knows exactly how I feel, and what I think about the whole thing, and this person knows that they have some major work to do to get things back on track, and that they are the one who will have to be solely responsible for doing so. Anyway....if I dwell on this too long, I'm going to go into a huge depression (halfway there already), so...
Heart rate of 156 this morning.
We were supposed to get 15 cm of snow, but didn't. Yay.
Hope to finish cleaning the downstairs today. I can dream.
Daughter and Husband have bronchitis. Yuck.
Son and I don't. Yay.
Have one friend with a new baby girl and one friend just working on one. Double yay.
I'm tired. The last 4 1/2 hours have been too long of a day.

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