Wednesday, February 14, 2007


It's around 6AM again. They say it will warm up starting tomorrow, and actually get to 4C by the weekend....I really hoping they're not just stringing us along. It's been a long cold snap this last time. I can hardly wait for spring to many things to do in the spring, it's going to be great.
Yesterday's weigh-in, as I guessed, was not the best...gained back the 2 pounds I had lost last week. This week I will work really hard at getting the weight of my roomies from chorus competition is really putting me to shame. She's lost something like 30-40 pounds over the last few months, and she looks AMAZING. I think my main problem is the snacks. I get the urge for something, and eat, even if I really shouldn't be (and am probably not) hungry. I had mentioned a long time ago that my eating disorder had kind of reversed itself on trying to change the behaviours, I kind of went overboard in the other direction....the second I deny myself something, my mind panics and accuses me of getting back into the old habits, which I'm not, but at the time I subconsciously panic, and then not only eat what I don't need, but eat more than I likely should even at the best of times. Portion control. There's something I suck at.
My goal this week, I guess, will be twofold....I will not snack, unless it is a piece of fruit, and I will work really hard on portion control....maybe go back to using a side plate instead of a dinner plate. I'm really good with the water (usually), getting the 8 cups a day in, as long as we have water in the cooler (I cannot, will not drink tap's gross![I could not, would not in a house, I could not, would not with a mouse] Hee hee).
When I have the money (Same old "when I am rich and famous" dream, I know), I plan to get myself a leisure pass....this would allow me to use the city pools, weight rooms, indoor track....that sort of thing. When I can do that, I know I will get the appropriate amount of exercise's amazing how motivating it can be to know that if you don't exercise, you're wasting your money, having bought a pass. I'm going to want my money's worth, so I'll be using it, I guarantee you. I won a free week at a local gym a few months ago, and I went EVERY DAY....I used the stairstepper for an hour each day, sweated like an absolute hog, and felt WONDERFUL.

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