Saturday, February 24, 2007

Vista sucks

Read it. Read it again. Take it to heart. I mean it. Windows Vista is the nastiest, most idiotic thing on the planet. Take it from me. Better yet, take it from Husband....he knows, because he's a computer tech.
We installed it on our system so he can become familiar with it when dealing with other people's computers. This thing is so full of bugs, frustrations, incompatibilities, etc that we actually took it OFF our home computer and have it set up on a separate system so he can play with it, understand it, but it won't foul up our stuff. It's AWFUL!
On a happy note, it is very warm today. Almost toasty, even. Well....above the freezing mark, anyway. It's very nice. Today is also Daughter's Girl Guide Division Tea. It should be a lot of fun....which reminds me I forgot to go to the bank for some money....guess we're taking a side trip later.
Oh! Kidlets are up and raring to go....better go feed Mr Clingy before he gets too cranky.


neville222 said...

I think it's Baden Powell day. His great great grand-daughter lives here. She's only about 4 years old and belongs to what are known as the "gumnuts"...small berries from gum trees.

Scuzzlewump said...

That's cute. Here it's Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, and (I think) Rangers, as the girls go up in age. Sparks starts at age 5.