Sunday, February 11, 2007

Relaxing Day? No.

Today looks like it will be a nice day....that's good because it's also going to be very busy. I am up, I am clean, the kids will soon be dressed and ready, then we line up at the starting line aaaaand GO!!!!!!!!
Off to church we scurry, kids get to go to their Sunday School classes after the first half hour. An hour later, we all converge together again, go downstairs to get our picture taken for the church directory. We roar out of there as fast as we can go to get home and change, and pick up Daddy who has been feverishly making potato salad all morning. Load up snowpants and sleds and mitts and scarves and all the rest (and yes, the potato salad) and zip out to a local ranch for a sleigh ride/sledding party. When we are done with this, we load everybody back into the van, find a drive-thru and pick up supper and then hurry off to Daddy's curling game. 2 hours later, pile everyone back into the van, drive everybody home, put the kids to bed, Mommy and Daddy collapse, try to chat with Granny and Grandad on Messenger, maybe watch some TV, then off to bed so Mommy can be up at 3:30AM to start the workweek again.
Should be a lot of fun....just really busy. :)
My pinched nerve seems to be letting up somewhat, so I have a fair range of motion back. Another day or two should have me back to normal again. Yay!
Oh....I have to share this...the other night, Daddy was on the computer late. Heard Daughter crying, so went to see what was up. I suspect daughter was still mostly asleep... the conversation went like this:
"What's wrong, sweetie?"
"My head huuuuuurts!"
"What kind of hurt?"
"I feel like a farmerrrrrr!"
"What do you mean by that?"
"It feels like I have a cowwww!"
She had no recollection of this conversation the next morning. Hee hee hee

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