Monday, February 5, 2007

Various thoughts and ramblings

Monday morning. Cold, but not as cold. Dark. Can hardly wait for the time when the sun rises before 7AM. Nothing much happening at the's nice an quiet, at least for a little while.
Took the kids to see "Open Season" at the cheap theatre yesterday (with hubby, of course), and then picked up a pizza and salad on the way home. It was a lot of fun.
It's nice to be a member of the Pentecostal fill in the blanks for people who don't know, I pulled myself and my kids out of our old church in September...5 years there, and still didn't fit in....wasn't related to everyone else like everyone else was, wasn't Dutch, I'm shy, so had a hard time inserting myself into people's conversations when not invited...was helping with the singing each week, teaching Sunday School to preschool through Grade 1 with no supplies except what I got on my own, and no budget, plus essentially being a single mom to two every Sunday, since hubby does not come...went to family camp with the kids (hubby stayed home to work), and spent the weekend worrying and watching my kids because there was a young man there who was causing a stir, to put it mildly....he was found in the ladies' washroom, seen peering into people's rooms, looking through people's stuff....and really interested in little kids. And apparently had a history of touching them, which nobody had told me about before...I had a different viewpoint on some church issues which caused problems (was told I had been up for consideration as a Deacon, but would never be allowed to be one because of my one differing view, and at family camp, two elders started a rant about how wrong anybody was who believed what I believed, and anyone who was wanting to be a part of the church had darn well better conform and do what they in the spirit of wanting safety for my children, the desire to belong somewhere, a search for a place where I could really FEEL God, and to avoid conflict, I left that church and started hunting for a new one....each Sunday for 2 months, we went to a different church....and wouldn't you know, the first one we tried ended up being the one we fell in love with....I truly believe God took us there first, then let us go to the others so i would be 100% sure that I was making the right choice...I am thrilled. They sing the real uplifting, upbeat, sing your guts out, clap your hands, dance around Praise GOD type of songs, the pastor is so passionate about what he's talking about every week (and he is GOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Every week he says something that totally hits home, which is something I need, because it makes me want to try harder....and he's really interesting to listen to....not a fall-asleep-in-the-pews sermon type of guy), daughter loves her Sunday School class and has some friends from when she was in preschool in that class, son absolutely lives for his Sunday school class (and I am totally THRILLED they have Sunday School for 2 year olds)....he is SO proud of his pictures and crafts they do, and he was the most adorable little shepherd in his Christmas pageant. :) :) :)
At the moment, I am not involved in anything.....just going to take my time, settle in, get to know people first. It's really nice not to be in charge of anything right now.
My goal for this week is to eat better. I like food too much, and I find that my past really bites me in the butt at times, kind of pushing me in the absolute opposite way of before.....but that's another day's story. I have been drinking 8 glasses of water a day for almost 2 weeks now, but haven't lost any weight yet (I have 46 pounds to lose to get to my goal of 150....I'm 5'10", so that's about what I should be). This week, I plan to eat oranges, pears, cabbage, oatmeal....stuff like that....and try to stay away from cookies and fries and stuff like that. My weigh in day is Tuesdays, so in a way, tomorrow will be the "official" start day....I will base my success this week on the difference between tomorrow's weigh in and the following week.

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