Saturday, February 10, 2007

White Knuckling It

I got up with the alarm at 3:30 excruciating pain. I debated staying home from work, but also knew how much they were counting on me delivering the papers....there aren't too many of us subs out there in winter, and if I didn't do them, the district manager probably would have to, and it's better to keep them happy and comfortable behind their desks.
Wow! Talk about intense took me a few minutes longer than usual to get dressed, as just moving my left arm was enough to take my breath away, or make funny squeaking noises as I gasped in pain. But I did it. I made it to the routes, I slogged my way through them, and am back here now. Hubby got me some Robaxacet yesterday, but it hasn't really done much other than make me sleep a lot. If this doesn't improve, I will see the doctor on Monday for a prescription.
I haven't had pain like this since I was in university and compressed a disk in an accident at work one summer. Codeine would be really good about now, as pain is all i seem to be able to think about today.
I achieved nothing yesterday, as I was pretty much unable to move much. Today I have to do SOMETHING, so I will white knuckle it and do as much house cleaning as I can. I may not get far, but I need that sense of accomplishment...if I can even just get the main level tidied up. 4 rooms and a hallway. How hard can it be? My right arm still works. :)

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