Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Wednesdays are not my best days, as you probably all know...I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night, after our Friends and Family show, got up at 4 today, delivered that route again (2 hours, but 2 less papers, so only made $20.50), then off to the gym for the first time in...awhile.
I decided maybe I should change the program I was using on the stepper...figured I was going to give myself a heart attack if I tried my usual fat burning program, so went for the heart control program instead. The machine asks for half your life story...time you want to go for, weight, loss of dignity if anybody's looking over your shoulder. Anyway, plugged in all that personal, embarrassing info, and off I actually worked quite well. My target heart rate was 142-161, and the machine sped up to get it up there, then as soon as I hit the magic number, slowed down until it hit the bottom one, and so on. I sweated like a pig and varied between 133 and 164, but mostly between 140 and 162. Didn't burn as many calories, but maybe this is healthier, especially when the fat burning program had my heart rate ranging from starting around 142 and getting up into the 180, staying mostly in the high 160's and low 170's.
Today Daughter goes for a trial run of French Immersion. It should be interesting.
Hunting desperately for a babysitter for this weekend, or I can't compete....really hoping something comes through or it's going to be an annoying weekend of staying in the hotel, babysitting my own kids while Husband runs the computers at contest, and not even being able to take part. That's what happens when one sitter moves to Haiti, one goes to college, and the other has a dance competition out of town this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really hope you find a babysitter. Good Luck at this weekend. Congrats on your father it's awesome.
