Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Serves me right!

I should never bemoan the fact that nothing interesting is happening. I should know better by now. I'm still a bit shaky from this morning.
During papers, somebody apparently stole a minivan and went on a rampage, speeding through the streets and ramming into parked cars on purpose. I happened to be about 2 doors away when they rammed the second car. They hit this car so hard that it moved the car down by a whole house (about 30m)...then they just backed up and roared away. I heard them hit the first car, saw the second, heard the third, and then they roared onto the local Christian high school/college campus and rammed into a tree so hard that the tree fell down (and we are not talking sapling here) before the van died and they ditched it and escaped.
Not my idea of a good morning...had to stand around and wait with the car's owner for the police after I called them, give a statement, wait awhile, finish my papers and hope my car hadn't been one of the ones hit, head off to my second route, late, but happy that my car WASN'T one of the ones hit, then had to skip the gym today because they called to say I needed to WRITE UP a statement and bring it down to the police station. Did that to find that the station would not open for another hour, so went to Wal-mart and got Husband his birthday gift, and had breakfast there, then back downtown to the station where i had to sit and answer a few more questions before rushing home so Husband could go to work.
It's 9:02AM and I'm ready to go back to bed. Adrenaline makes me soooooooo tired! And stupid. I got the license plate number, but said it wrong on the phone to the police, told them the wrong colour of the van, and could answer NOTHING in terms of description of make, model, or suspects.
Now I must get my head together, try to stay awake and focused, and clean house for a few hours. Hopefully this will be the end of the excitement....I'm a bit nervous about the suspect or suspects hunting me down tomorrow, since they likely saw me as they roared away after ramming the car.

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