Thursday, May 10, 2007

Okie Dokie

Well, Husband got his phone number back and running yesterday. The home phone number is still ours, too, but they still haven't reactivated the phone yet, so if anyone calls (and I know because I've tried), it says the number is not in service. Hopefully that little glitch will be fixed fast. Unfortunately, the deal was that they did not get things straight with our payment...the payments came out of the wrong account, which was overdrawn, and so the bills did not get paid. They still should have called or sent a letter. Text message they claim they sent us....we never got it, but they don't believe us. So our credit rating is shot and we had to put down a $500 deposit just to get the phones up and running again, PLUS we will have the big, unpaid bill to deal with....but hopefully that can be done in installments.
I got my first sunburn yesterday, I think....mowed the lawn, and my neck area is a little itchy yet tender this morning. Haven't looked yet, but seems to me it's likely going to be sunburn.
Dad got himself into his local newspaper lately. Here is the link...I hope you will all check it out. :)
It's a really good article, and may I add that 2008 is an exciting year because they will be HERE as well. (You will understand that comment if you have been reading my blogs AND read this article)
Found out yesterday that Andre Philippe Gagnon will be in town in early June, but a friend of mine will be here, and the tickets are likely already sold out, so I won't be going. And Mike Warnke will be in Calgary that same weekend, so I can't go. One year, hopefully, I will get to one or both of these guys' concerts....or maybe see a concert of Michel Courtemanche. He is HILARIOUS!!!!!!

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