Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Can't We Get A Break?

It never fails....just when things start looking like they're going in the right direction, we get knocked flat by another crisis of some sort. Last night, after chorus, we realized that our home number and Husband's cell number were not working. So we call Sasktel. Apparently we had a bill of over $1000 that we didn't know about. No way, we say, we'd know about something like that, and even if it were true, you'd think we'd have received a letter or phone call or something. "Sorry sir, the office is closed, you'll have to talk to someone in accounting tomorrow morning"
Fine. We dig up all our statements, to see if we can figure out what's going on. We discover our automatic withdrawal had been cancelled in April, for some unknown reason. Fine, so we're behind, but by $1000? No way! So Husband gets on my cell this morning to say what the hey. They cancelled our phones outright due to this supposedly huge unpaid bill. They say it's our own fault because they figure we should have noticed the lack of payments coming out. So sorry, gee whiz, I sit and monitor every penny. We missed it, so kill us. Chee! Automatic withdrawal is SUPPOSED to mean the money comes out without us having to make sure the bill is paid. No letter, no phone call. We mention that. "Oh, we sent you a text message about it" No, you didn't. "We received nothing to say you didn't receive it." Huh???????
Anyways, Husband is out at a Sasktel dealer REAPPLYING for phone service for those two phones, hoping we can get our same numbers back, because Sasktel wouldn't take our credit card over the phone, wouldn't reactivate our phones, etc.
This SUCKS! Not only do we not have phone service, but we have this unpaid bill that obviously needs to be dealt with and all the garbage that's going to go with this whole mess...and in the meantime we are losing customers because people phoning his cell phone are being told the number is not in service. So he can't work because nobody can reach him! AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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