Monday, May 21, 2007

Baseball, Bugs, and Buddies

I just don't seem to be writing here as often as I used to. Tired of talking about nothing, maybe. Or just off my schedule a bit, so it just kind of slips my routine. I'm obsessed with a new thing I found called Facebook, where I am catching up with a few friends, keeping up with a few others.
Daughter has also been busy with baseball. They have played 7 games so far, and have won 3, lost 3, and tied 1. I believe that has them tied for fourth place so far. They have another game on Wednesday, and then again on Saturday....and then they get a break until next Thursday...which also happens to be the day one of my best friends comes to visit. Finally! A friend visiting ME instead of me making the trips to WHEREVER to visit THEM! She is a friend from Montreal (Ohhhh, Montreal, how I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!), but hails from Toronto these days. Still a fairly long journey, but not so bad by plane, which is what she is doing, sans enfants, sans mari, which I think is exactly what she needs...a break to just be HER for a week. We are going to have a ton of fun...walking trails, a trip up to Saskatoon together, proper pizza (with the topping UNDER the cheese), a Neverending Story marathon (1, 2, AND 3!), taking her to chorus with me....and whatever else I can think of to do with her.
Today I am itching and burning all at the same time...I have an allergy to insect bites, which makes the simplest bite that much more annoying, the severity depending on the bug (black flies and wasps are very bad, mosquitoes not so bad....unless I get a lot of them)...yesterday at the baseball game, I got about 12 mosquito bites. They swole up pretty big, and some of them are still pretty nasty...very red around them, itchy and sore at the same time...the worst is at joint level. I got one on each knee and one on the joint of my baby toe that are just NASTY...the knee ones are big, sore lumps, but the baby toe...oh!'s horribly red and it itches and burns like mad, and of course any time I walk or whatever, it moves the bite and aggravates it. Rgh!
Husband played a joke on me today. Apparently there's this site that can make a fake blog site that looks just like yours, but changes all the text into gangsta speak. So he said he'd "edited" my blog, and gave me a link. I went to it and oh,boy! Was it ever NOT the way I would ever write! It was DISGUSTING language, and the funny thing was that, knowing what I had originally written, it actually made sense.


Anonymous said...

It isn't specific to blog sites, it will work on ANY web site.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know Ella is also allergic to bug bites benedryll cream works well.