Thursday, June 28, 2007

Roll call

Okay,'re all too quiet!
How are you all, where are you all, what's new, and all that jazz?
Let's see....
How was the business trip, Brad? Did you go alone, or did you get to bring 1 1/2 people with you?
How's life, Kendra? How are the kids? What kind of dog do you have? Going anywhere special this summer? Any more little ones? ;-D
Hi Lloyd. Glad the injury is subsiding. I know where you live, so can extort whatever info I want at any time. :)
Hi Ken...did you get your luggage back? Are you home yet?
Hi Angela....what's new...any little ones? ;-D
Ummmmm...hi to anybody else who reads this....what's new? What are you up to today?
Everybody sign in, now!
We are getting ready for a family reunion next where we go to a place we've never been to spent a weekend where we essentially know NOBODY (except each other and my in-laws)....should be...weird. But the kids are happy because they get to see Gramma and Grampa and go tenting for 2 nights....and Daughter is old enough this year to sleep in her own tent beside ours, away from Son. :-D


Carrien Blue said...


Good luck with the losing weight thing. I'm proud of you for trying.

If you want readers to stay and comment you may find this place helpful.

Also, it takes time to build up readers, you only just started so be patient. If you look at the archives of some of the biggest mommy bloggers I read, their first two years of blogging were virtually commentless. Just write as well and as entertainingly as you can, link to a lot of people, join in contests and discussions and if it's reader's you want reader's will eventually come.

(try not to sound like you're begging for comments.)

Unknown said...

The other thing is that (and this is just one GUY's opinion) comments tend to come more naturally when you have a specific topic or a question that stimulates people to respond. I know your blog is shaping to be something of a diary-style "this is how I spent my day" kind-of-thing (which is just fine, it's your blog after all) but I personally find that when I write those kind of deliberately unfocused entries, I get very little response. If any at all. (And usually it's from you, by the way.)

Where I get a lot of feedback is when I pick one fragment of one detail of one thing that happened and deliberately over-analyze it. People tend to have a slightly different interpretation and will tell you that, especially if you coax it out of them.

Now don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to tell you to turn into an opinionated narcissist like me, but for example, take your July 3 entry:

First you start off telling us how boring this is going to be. That's a whole lesson in itself.

Then you give us four topics to ponder. Ok. Fine. But I'M (personally) not going to randomly comment on how you spent your day. I'd probably try to be witty and come off as crude and mean. So I don't.

But, say, had you pulled one element out of there and explored it a little more thoroughly such as (and ONLY) written in your OWN STYLE about say, "the irony of planting Saskatoon bushes in Regina" or "the ten funniest ways your son has used 'poop' in everyday conversation" (FOR EXAMPLE, so pick your own) then VOILA you are writing an "article" rather than a "diary" and people are far more apt to poke their nose in an give their 2c.

Just my 2c, by the way (as someone who's been at this for five odd years) and I am not telling you to revamp everything. Occasionally pull something out and explore it EXCLUSIVELY and if you succeed at holding it at arms-length enough that people don't feel like nosy-neighbors giving you advice on your life, you'll get more comments (conditional on and agreeing with what Carrien said, too.)