Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day Three

Well, still at it, and seeing a few preliminary results. The weigh in on Monday looks like it will be a pleasant one, if things keep going as they are.
I continue to drown myself in water (16 cups a day), and managed to drown part of the backyard today as well...note to self....IF you decide to fill up the kiddie pool, DON'T walk off and get involved in something else while it's filling!
I am still in a lot of pain. Saw the massage therapist yesterday and got my back, neck, and shoulder poked, prodded, pressed, stretched, and so on. I was told there would be "discomfort" for a couple days. Shoot me now! If this is discomfort, I don't want to know what true pain would be in his estimation.
I am slowly sorting through the boxes of "stuff" in the basement, in the hopes of one day being organized, maybe a little richer, and rid of some stuff, too. But I had to quit for the day, partly from the pain, and partly from the allergic reaction to the dust in the boxed stuff. Breathing, for those of you who have ever wondered, is not optional.
It's a gorgeous day outside, and quite a few of my flowers are blooming, so I picked some from around the fluffy bumblebees to put on my kitchen table. Most of my laundry is done, most of my house is reasonably tidy, and I have a loaf of bread baking as we speak. Now I will go and relatively guiltlessly veg and watch something for awhile. Tomorrow will be busy enough as it is, so I will enjoy the rest of today.

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