Friday, June 15, 2007

Day Five

Still trucking along. Have decided to allow myself a square of my 99% chocolate each evening with my last 2 cups of water. So far I have managed to stay away from the stuff I shouldn't be eating or drinking, though I must admit I've had craving at the strangest times...a lemon jelly donut crossed my mind while driving yesterday, today I really want pop (which is not really all that surprising....those who know me well know I LOVE pop, could LIVE off in if I go to 7-Eleven for a drink, I'm walking out with a Double Gulp of Dr Pepper, and I'm drinking it all myself)...but sticking to the diet certainly has its advantages. I have stepped on the scale each morning, just out of curiosity (and a touch of demented obsessiveness), and I like what I see. My official weigh day is Monday, and if the weekend goes well, it will be a VERY good first week....but I must remember that the following weeks will not be nearly as successful, in terms of the numbers on the scale. If they are, I must realize that I am doing it wrong and fix something before it becomes dangerous.
Finally went back to the gym after about 2 weeks. It wasn't the most comfortable experience, but I felt good for having gone. I have had this pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder for 11 days now and it is not gone yet. The pain now shoots strictly from neck through shoulder and down my arm through my hand, instead of an overwhelming, all-encompassing pain, but it is nonetheless a very sharp pain, and still a very constant one, varying from painful to the grip-the-ceiling jolts that zoom through every few minutes. My arm is getting tired of the abuse, is sore to the touch at skin level, and has started muscle spasms at the elbow level...they don't hurt, thankfully, but I look like a freak, the way that part of my arm keeps dancing around to its own little beat. Nights are very painful, waking up in the morning is excruciating, days are a little better, but as the day progresses, it gets worse again. I am very tired and very is very hard to keep up with the housekeeping and be a happy, helpful Mommy when constantly in pain that makes me want to just curl up and sleep the days away until it heals itself....if only it would actually heal.
Daughter is officially in 3rd place going into the playoffs. This week is going to be absolutely insane with all our regular activities, plus Husband umpiring the older kids' playoffs, and Daughter's playoff games squished in as well. They have scheduled all 31 playoff games into 8 days. Daughter could potentially be in 7 or 8 of them, depending on how the games go for her team. By the evening of the 23rd, we will have a champion, and if not Daughter's team, will know how they placed overall.
Typing is aggravating my nerve, so I will stop for today.

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