Saturday, April 14, 2007

This is sad

Come on! I either have a bunch of people lurking, afraid to tell me they're out there, or I have an audience of two, one who left a comment, and one who MSN'd me cuz she was mad at me over something in my blog.
What's the point of having a blog if nobody's interested in what I have to say?
Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. I messed up once again, and about an hour before we were to leave for the movie, I grabbed the free admission coupons....and stared in horror at what they said...only valid Sunday-Thursday. Crud muffins. So we went through the whole thing of if Husband and Daughter go and me and Son go with the coupons next, because Daughter wants everyone to go and there is no way on earth I am taking Son to the movies by myself, not after the Happy Feet incident...Sunday is too busy, Monday we can't go because we have to be up early Tuesday and so would be too tired the next day, Tuesday I have chorus, Wednesday Daughter has Thursday it will be. How disappointing to have to wait a whole extra week!
So instead I left the kids at home with Husband, hopped into our newly repaired van (on which the back hatch is not a perfect latch, but will do), and took off for a few hours in search of discounted Peanut Butter eggs and Moo Poo, and my paycheque....and to put said cheque in the bank. Got and deposited the cheque.Totally destroyed any semblance of an effort to lose weight...bought and ate 3 donuts and a litre of iced coffee from Safeway, plus bought (but didn't eat) pb truffles (discounted). Later found my pb eggs in Zellers, checked out the new dollar store in the mall, bought 72 kg of Moo Poo, then got a dvd burner at Husband's request on the drive back...and 2 Slurpees and a scratch card at 7-Eleven. (And no, I didn't win a penny)
Made cheese fondue for supper, and a chocolate fondue with apple slices for dessert. watched Jungle Book with the kids while sorting Lite Brite pegs with them...once they were in bed, had that MSN convo, watched the second half of Identity and then went to bed.
Today Daughter goes out selling Girl Guide cookies, then I go to a surprise party for a chorus member who is turning 40, and Daughter goes to a party for a friend from church. Should be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I talk to you on the phone, so i really don't have much to comment on.

- Ken