Thursday, April 19, 2007


All I can think of to eat for breakfast lately is eggs and toast, eggs and toast. There are lots of other yummy options to consider....toast with pb and jam or honey, rice krispies with banana, oatmeal with raisins or apples and cinnamon, wheatlets...but I want eggs and toast. Truth be known, as yummy as the other options seem, the last few days, my tummy has been telling me it won't stand for anything but eggs and toast. I wish I knew if it's a sign, if I'm just going through a phase, or if eggs and toast are alive and giving off telepathic vibes.
And I am so HUNGRY lately...except that I also don't feel so great in between's like I feel like I could eat a house...I eat something, and spend the next few hours feeling kinda yucky....until i get ravenously hungry again. Not the best scenario for someone wanting to lose some weight.
Today is really windy, so doing papers was a bit of a chore, even though it was really paper rungs below the mailboxes today! Every one had to be placed, shoved, stuffed, whatever it required, into the INSIDE of the mailboxes so I wouldn't have a mile-long complaint sheet tomorrow from people whose papers decided to take a jaunt down the block.
Made it to the gym afterwards, and had a heart rate of 164. Still a ways to go until the preferred maximum of 142, but we'll get there.
I'm a little tired, and as always, with the tiredness comes the dizziness, and my back hurts, but I go to the massage therapist today, so things should loosen up nicely.
Next week should be interesting...on Monday afternoon, we talk with Daughter's teacher and principal about putting her in the French Immersion school, and then Tuesday morning, she goes for a trial run at the new school while we talk with the principal THERE about Grade One.
Anyway, better go get those eggs and toast...feeling a bit nauseous.

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