Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Okay, so I haven't got any real stimulating material to share with you, but I figured I'd kind of peek in for a minute or two. It's been hot lately, so hot that Daughter keeps commenting "Mommy! You're really sweating lots!"...and she's right. It's gross! We set up a tent in the back yard on Saturday night and camped out, which was a lot of fun, but next time, I need a bigger tent...I couldn't lie with my legs straight because the walls weren't far enough apart. That's the kind of problem you run up against when you're tall.
I bought myself a saskatoon bush with the remains of my birthday money, and it seems to be hanging on so far....my plan over the next years is to buy a plant or two to add to the garden space....a fruit plant. I have a bunch of strawberry plants, now I'm working on saskatoons, then raspberries, blueberries, grapes....well, you get the idea. I've already got the apple trees....one year down the road, I'll have quite a fruit orchard for a back yard. :)
Son is in a singing mood today, lying on his back with a sippy cup in his hand, singing beautiful songs, all made up from scratch by him. Unfortunately, one of his favourite words these days is "poop", so it features frequently in what he says and sings.
Husband is out working hard, making money and trying to find ways to get more.
I continue the pointless battle of tidying the house, cleaning up after Son's potty accidents, and trying to get ready for a reunion.

1 comment:

Carrien Blue said...

You BOUGHT a saskatoon tree? In saskatchewan? I thought you could just go and dig those up cause they grow wild, we did when I was a kid.

(YUMMMMM I miss saskatoons, my favorite berry by far. I hope the tree grows quickly.)