Monday, July 23, 2007

My apples are grapes

You should see my apple trees this year. I'm not sure exactly what happened, I guess the conditions were just right and the bees were busy this spring. I have two crab apple trees. one grows little red ones, one grows medium yellowish ones. Both trees have a good number of apples on them, but the yellow apple tree, WELL, the number of apples on each branch is just stunning. The branches are starting to bend all the way to the ground because there are so many apples that it literally looks like they are giant clusters of grapes. I tried counting just one branch worth of apples, and based on what I came up with, and extrapolating to how many branches there ARE on this tree, there are well over a THOUSAND apples on this tree! I could open my own crab apple business if they ripen! Yikes! The red apple tree has maybe half that, but still, 500 apples, give or take a hundred or so, is still a lot of apples, just on its own!
It is so horribly hot here that I am considering keeping Daughter home today....she usually goes to a day camp sort of thing, but the forecast says it will be 36 C today, with a humidex of 49C!!! She burns like me, even with sunscreen, and this heat will really get to her, especially since they don't always let them get water.
I made it back to the gym today, for which I am proud of myself. Today is the start of a new run at losing this extra weight of mine. Hopefully i will not sabotage myself this week, and will actually get somewhere in this.
Anyway, it's already getting too hot to think. Time to go weigh in for the week and have some breakfast and a litre of water.

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