Monday, July 30, 2007

Happy news, and little boys

Well, we found out that the home assessment people made a mistake. My initial response when Husband told me was to slump in dread of the lower actual number that he was going to tell me. Imagine my delight when he told me our house is actually worth DOUBLE what we paid for it!!!!!! Alriiiiiiiight! :) If this line of credit come through, we should have our mortgage paid off in maybe 15 years instead of 23, plus will have an easier time paying things off and being able to do things as a family.
Now I must put in a little story about me and my little guy. Son is nearly 3 and therefore everything is exciting and interesting, especially if he can pick it up. He has just reached the age where he feels himself to be too much of a big boy to ride in the stroller. To his credit, he can walk for 45 minutes without a complaint, but at a very slow pace, partially due to the above statement. Anyway...I don't like bugs. I don't like creepy crawly things. I just don't. Son does. Son very much does. So Mommy had to swallow her fear and jittery feelings and allow Son his time of wonderment and excitement when he found....and picked up....the most humungous dragonfly I have ever seen. It was dead, obviously, since he was able to pick it up. He brought this thing home, and it sits in a little container at his tiny desk in his room, waiting for Husband to come home and see his prize catch. It's actually a pretty thing, a shimmery blue with sparkly wings.....but it's huge. The body is about 15 cm long, and the wingspan is probably close to that....maybe closer to 10cm. He talked to it the whole way home. He told this dragonfly that he was taking it to his house, he was going to take it IN his house, he told it the colour of his house, too. He's pretty happy about his bug. And, I guess, in a way, behind all my icky jittery feeling towards it, I'm kind of proud of his catch, too. After all, what's the fun of being a little boy if you can't catch bugs, and big ones, at that. :) Now he has his own dragon. Hee hee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm confused. And maybe I'm just missing something but how exactly are you going to pay off your mortgage FASTER by borrowing against your home equity? In my humble opinion equity loans are the fast track to bankruptcy, will be the #1 cause of the (inevitable) housing market crash, and generally evil. I think the generally accepted slur is "using your house like a bank machine."

But then, like I said, maybe I'm missing something.