Monday, March 10, 2008

Everything is going to be AAAAAALLLL right....

Anyone who has watched Dragon's Den knows what that came from....and by the way I don't thing it was such a good idea either. Cute, but not a big selling idea.
Anyway...I recently got very health minded and decided I was going to push myself to do something fantastic...
So i signed myself up for a 5k at the end of May. This was very quickly followed by a deep sense of what the HECK have I DONE??? I haven't run for months, and just recently discovered my Leisure pass is still valid for another week.
I decided that, since I'm signed up for this thing, and have paid for it, I'd better get my butt in gear and train for this sucker.
I went to the indoor track this morning, and plunked my chunky self in a lane for joggers. 220 metres per lap on this one. So I started jogging along. I am a very slow jogger. I felt like the little old lady toodling along the road in her car, ticking everybody off by going about 20kph. The seasoned runners were bopping by, weaving from lane to lane, passing me, looking all cool and collected. But I kept at it, and kept at it, and *gasp, wheeze* kept at it....and to my own credit and pride, managed to jog 5.06 km this morning without stopping or walking....took me a little over 40 minutes. My hope is to get my time down to maybe....30 minutes? I think that's a reasonable goal for this year's run.
At least I now know for sure that I am capable of surviving the run without keeling over. This is a very good thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm just finishing up my 5K clinic as of this week and the "take-home point" was that a running and walking combination is best for training at short distances like 5 and 10 K. Even at the end we are still running 10:1 (run ten minutes, walk one) and encouraged to keep that ratio until we move up into marathon training (if ever). I don't know if you are following any programs or anything, but there are lots of good free ones online, and you are likely to be exponentially more successful if you listen to a pro. (I followed this one last summer: