Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Little Mommy That Couldn't

Once upon a time, there was a little Mommy....well...not so little, if truth be told, but a Mommy nonetheless. This Mommy had many things to do, and, being a good-hearted Mommy, set out to do all these things.
This Mommy needed to get her Daughter up and off to school, eat breakfast, dress, check herself on the Wii Fit, return library items, pick something up from someone's house, buy a few grocery items, go to the bank to set up a new bank account for her Son, make lunch, can pears, cook a pumpkin, make pumpkin seeds and pumpkin pie, get 3 rooms of the upstairs clean,encourage her Son to clean his room,make supper, go to a Board meeting, take the Dog to the park, do dishes, and laundry, too!
The Mommy got off to a rough start, being tired due to a family member having a whopper of a night terror, but headed into the morning with high expectations of accomplishment.
She did fairly well, accomplishing most of what she had wanted for the morning...Daughter was sent off to school, the Mommy had done all the personal stuff (ate, dressed, stood on the Wii Fit). Two of the three rooms did get tidied, the library item did get returned in time, the item to be picked up as acquired, the bank account was created, and the grocery items were purchased (plus a few extras because the Mommy did not have very good willpower).
But things started to go obviously wrong. The Mommy was tired. Her lipomas were hurting very badly, with even her shirt aggravating them. Her back muscles were seizing and aching from a very old injury. And yet the Mommy persevered. Lunch became totally non-nutritious, being onion rings and potato wedges on sale at the grocery store, and a cup of coffee (milk for the Son), but lunch was at least served. The pears were canned, but much of the work was done sitting in a chair, and even then, the back muscles were screaming, and because of the chair back, so were the lipomas. But still she kept at it and canned 6 pint jars of pears plus a quart jar of juice. A load of laundry made its way through the washer and into the dryer. The dishwasher got emptied, refilled, and started. A stew for supper was simmering in the crock pot, too, after much peeling and chopping of vegetables. Son's room was cleaned and there was much rejoicing. But the Mommy was so tired and in so much pain that she simply had to quit.
The Mommy was concerned that the Daddy would think her a lazy bum because he was going to come home and find her plushed out with pillows in an attempt to get some comfort somehow, reading a book. The pumpkin did not get slaughtered for seeds and pie, the Dog did not get a trip to the park. It was 2:45PM and she would still have her meeting later, which she would attend.
But to be quite honest, when she really thought about it and considered her options and pain level, she decided that she really didn't care what the Daddy thought anymore, all she cared about was feeling better. So she went off to have a nice hot cup of coffee and to find a comfy spot, in the hopes of feeling better tomorrow.
The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if daddy thinks mommy is a lazy bum then he should stay home. When daddy leaves his job to go home he gets to relax whereas mommy never leaves her job it's 24/7. There is no awww now I've left work I feel so much better. So mommy shouldn't feel bad about laying down once in awhile.
