Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Challenge to myself

Okay. I have Wii Fit. A friend of mine thinks the Wii is a waste of time and space, that it should be avoided in trade for time outside. To a certain extent, I agree. But to another degree, while he is freezing his butt off in winter, trying to get a jog in, through the snow and ice, or traveling through same to get to an indoor track where he will have to fork out money, I will be in my nice warm living room, in PJs if I feel like it, doing my exercises and even jogging in place. I am much more motivated to do it if it means NOT going outside or to a different location....especially in the cold. Have I mentioned I hate to be cold?
My challenge is of the options is called "free run", in which I choose how long I plan to run (10-20-30 minutes), and as I go, it tells me how far it thinks I have run. I do have a certain level of reality in this head of mine....I am pretty sure that the numbers it is spitting out are probably pretty optimistic....but there is no real way to test this for sure. What I am planning on doing is working with this option daily through the fall and winter, until late spring, at which time (roughly end of May) I will sign myself up for the Regina Fun Run that I did this past spring. The distance (5km or 10Km), I will decide closer to the time. I will run said Fun Run, and see how much time it actually takes, and how good of shape I am in while doing so. This past spring, I ran the course in something like 39'22" for the 5Km. My goal is to bring this down considerably. Or at least to run it in less than 30 minutes, less than an hour for the 10Km. As the fall/winter progresses, I will keep you all updated on how the Wii Fit running is going. Today it said I ran 4.571 MILES (roughly 7.4 Km) in 30 minutes. For argument's sake, let's say I ran 4.571 Km instead. That is probably more accurate, but the Wii Fit number looks nicer. :)

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