Saturday, August 11, 2007

Busy week.....getting busier

This week seems to have flown by at an alarming rate. I am trying to get the house presentable before Wednesday night, when my parents arrive, but as all of you with know, this is an exercise in futility. I spend 2 hours cleaning and sorting toys in Son's room....15 minutes later, you'd never know I'd been in there. At least I seem to have finally removed the mystery sludge from the floor under the kitchen table. I'm terrible at getting to the point where I can legitimately mop, so the sludge was starting to breed. It's nice to see the pattern on the floor again.
We have a ton of things that we just don't use anymore. I have tried and tried to sell them, but nobody wanted them, so now we have a pile of stuff that is simply getting donated to Value Village. That should help clear things out a little. I posted a Dora flip-out couch and a Pooh bear foam armchair on my Freecycle group....for THOSE I got a huge of this morning (because some people respond even after the item is gone, I had something like 20 people wanting the couch, and 10 wanting the chair.
We had a big scare on Tuesday night....I was just on my way to my Prairie Gold rehearsal, when I got called back home. Son had been jumping on a bed. My little monkey, of course, fell off and bumped his head. Got lethargic, woozy, unable to stand or walk properly, said the back of his head hurt. So off to the ER we go. We got into the room right away.....and then waited almost 3 hours for the doctor to actually come in. By that point, Son was bored to death, hyper, and completely fine.
In mid-September, we will have another addition to the family, which will require a bit of preparation as well. We are excited and impatient, and I have already started buying a few things that we will need.
Now I must go get ready for the day....or I guess the REST of the day....I have already been up for almost 4 hours and done 3 paper routes, and drunk a cup of strawberry steamer from 7-Eleven (yummmmmmmm). Now I have to change so i can sell hot dogs for a few hours as a Prairie Gold fundraiser.....then clean the downstairs.

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