Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Checking In

I know, I know, it's been pretty much a month since I last posted. This, according to a friend of mine, is bad blog etiquette, that to have a successful blog, you must write consistently and frequently. Boo. Life marches on, especially with two children, and blogs don't get written.
Son is talking really well, so that pretty much everyone can understand him. I find it harder to understand him sometimes, but I think that's because my Mommy brain is so used to translating his old, mumble-jumble nasal speech into English that now that he is speaking plain, clear English, my brain doesn't know how to process it anymore. If I really focus hard and listen properly, I can see what everyone else means. He DOES talk much, much clearer.
He is getting so tall. His Daddy accidentally put Daughter's sweat pants on Son this morning, and didn't even realize until I watched Son trotting around, clinging onto the legs for all he was worth so they would neither fall down nor drag too much. I think they were maybe 3 inches too long. Considering he is 3 1/2 years younger than his sister, this suggests he will be a tall one. :) No real surprise there, just didn't think he'd be getting such a head start on it just yet.
Daughter just had a birthday this past weekend. That was quite the experience. Three giggly, screamy, silly, computer savvy girls roaring around my house for 3 hours, eating burgers, nachos, chocolate cheesecake, drinking pop...signing up for ePets and that sort of thing. Teaching Hubby just how much he really did need to put on parental controls and keep an eye on them. Then one went home, the others put on their pj's and climbed into bed for a sleepover. An hour later, we were on the phone to have the girl's Dad come pick her up. Old enough to be too smart for her own good, but not yet old enough to survive a night without roaring homesickness.
I am now in the process of what FlyLady would call a Fling Boogie. This means that as I am cleaning the house, I am also trying to get rid of as much STUFF as possible. We agreed to pay the kids a dollar a pound for toys they decided to get rid of. Son made $4 as he was not too motivated, Daughter made $20. She plans to buy a Webkin with it. Not a bad tradeoff...a big box of toys goes out, one stuffed animal comes in.
I am just starting with mine, but I think once I have managed to scour the entire house and have either sold or given away boxes and boxes of STUFF, I will feel tons better, and definitely will have an easier time getting organized and keeping things clean. So goes the theory anyway.
Oh yes. I am back in the saddle, so to speak, in terms of Wii Fit. I also have the Jillian Michaels Ultimate Workout for Wii and am starting back on my program. I NEED to RUN....I can't explain it, it's just this URGE to JOG! So in the spirit of also getting back in shape and back into jogging without reinjuring myself, I am starting slow. Yesterday I jogged 20 minutes on Wii Fit. Today I will do 30 minutes of Jillian. Tomorrow back to Wii Fit and so on. For 4 weeks. Then I will up the times slightly, gradually getting myself up to a level when I will not only be in better shape in general, but might even be able to sign myself up for the Fun Run again this spring. Maybe the 5Km again, maybe the 10KM, we'll see how it looks closer to that time.


Anonymous said...

I for one am very happy your back here. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Glqad to hear your son's op' was successful. Do you run in the snow? I envision you with snowshoes on.