Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Death and Ressurrection of Bessie and Stuff

Okay, it has been exactly 29 days since I last posted, and once again a million and one things have happened in the meantime that I intended to post....and didn't.....and for the most part have forgotten what they were.
But...we had a gigantic storm here about a week and a half ago, while Daughter was away at camp. Roaring waves of rain, huge claps of thunder with blinding sheets of lightning, tons of forks, too, and a wind that had to be sen to be believed. I kept looking out to see if there was a funnel cloud coming because the wind was roaring so loud and had our tree bending so far that I seriously expected the trunk to snap and the tree to crush the van. When it stopped, it had snapped about 1/4 of the tree so that a ginormous branch was dangling just off the ground, the fence between our house and the next was bent over sideways, my canopy on the deck was a mess of fabric and poles, and Bessie (aka my 1984LTD) was dead. Not a sound would she make....well....after the shrieking sound the one time Hubby tried to start her. He asked around and got the part the so-called experts told him was the problem and did a do-it-yourself no avail. She sat there, stone cold dead, for about a week. Then Hubby fixed the computer of a mechanic who agreed, in exchange, to take a look at her. So we called to tow truck and they hauled her away on Tuesday....and we drove her home yesterday. It was the starter that had gone. NOT the part we had been told. So now she runs again. For the time being anyway. :)

I went to my new family doctor today, having had the blood test I mentioned in the last post....everything was textbook perfect. It stunned him. He seriously was shocked that someone "my age" (great...I have reached "that age") would have perfect results, and I do mean perfect. Cholesterol and EVERYTHING. Next week I go back to prove that my blood pressure is good and to have the pap. Ew, ew, EW! Oh well.
So anyway, it looks as if, as usual, my overactive, somewhat hypochondriac brain was giving me a run for my money last post. Still have lipomas, but nothing more serious than that....and he wasn't even concerned about my weight! That, let me tell you, goes way beyond cool. He just said to keep eating healthy and exercise....more as an "I have to give her SOME sort of doctorly advice....but what?" :-D It was actually really funny to watch him stammer in shock and try to be professional when he realized I was perfectly healthy. Woo-hoo! :)

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