Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've been tagged!

Okay. A friend of mine who also writes a blog (and on a much more cerebral level than I), has decided to do this meme, I believe he called it...a Reading meme. http://blog.8r4d.com/2008/04/28/tag-meme-read
I will fill in what was asked of me, then try to think of who I can tag next.

1. Pick up the nearest book.
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis....a new acquisition that I have yet to read

2. Open to page 123.
End of the chapter called "Faith"....how appropriate.

3. Find the fifth sentence.
This is harder than it seems, as C.S Lewis puts periods in the middle of sentences...so based on grammar rules alone, I guess it would be:
The first result of real Christianity is to blow that idea into bits.

4. Post the next three sentences.
When they find it blown into bits, some people think this means that Christianity is a failure and give up. They seem to imagine that God is very simple-minded. In fact, of course, He knows all about this.

5. Tag five people.
Greetings friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you have the power inside you right now. So use it! Send one dollar to me. Don’t Delay, Eternal Happiness is only a dollar away!

Or you could take five minutes and post. Let’s see… I tag:
1. Carrien: so she will have an excuse to sit and relax and read a book for a few minutes
2. Lloyd: so I can find out what strange book he has picked up now
3. Kendra: because I think she needs to sit and read for a few minutes to get away from the craziness of her 4? daughters. :)
4. Ken: because I want to know what strange things HE reads these days
5. Angela: Because I know, just KNOW she is into a new romance book

What??? No blogs, some of you? Better get started! Orrrrrrr send it to me in an e-mail. :-D

Remember to link back to this entry to get credit for the post.

On a separate note, I am back at the track, jogging my little heart out. My 5k is in about 26 days from now. A friend of mine was explaining how in his running clinic, he was told they were supposed to run for 10, walk for 10, and so on....I have found however that this does not work for me. I try that and it looks more like this: Run for 10 minutes, walk for 10 minutes, try to run, smash headfirst into runners wall after 10 seconds, spend next 30 minutes trying to breathe as if asthmatic. So I have decided, right or not, to just go ahead and jog the 5.06km on the track (aka 23 times around the #4 lane) without walking until the 24th lap. Then go home. So far so good. :-D I FEEL good.
Hopefully the feeling will stay over the next few weeks as I train.
And I will be quitting papers as of the 27th of May (that will be my last day)...what a nice feeling to know I will actually get more than 3 1/2 to 6 hours of sleep each night....23 more deliveries. Yay.


Geldhart said...

The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey (Not a weird book)

3rd Sentence.

So you must draw a line in the sand and say, "I will never borrow again."

As soon as you make that statement, there will be a test. Trust me. Your transmission will go out.

CAPTCHA : scqmyj - "Squeek my Johnson?"

Carrien Blue said...

You mean, so I can stare longingly at the pages of a book I want to read for a minute before putting it back on the perpetual pile of someday?
