Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dreams and Such

I am sick again. A cold now. The kind that makes you sniffle and snuffle, cough and blow, and sucks every molecule of energy out of your body. But that's okay. I called in sick to work this morning, because I just couldn't muster the energy or willpower to haul those heavy bundles around for 2 1/2 hours in -51C windchill. I got up, I got dressed, I drove over there....but just couldn't do it, I was out of energy, feeling like dirt, and very cold. So I read my bundle toppers at each drop to make sure I had all the info, and called in sick (and yes, I did tell them that I was up and out and had changed my mind).
So why is it so okay that I am sick? Mainly because I am less stressed than I have been recently about my house. Thanks to a one-year tv ban that we as a family have decided to embark on, replacing satellite with passes to the local rec centres, there is more time, less distraction....for everybody. I have been getting a bit more help around the house, and thanks to my f-i-l, I also have a new vacuum that really sucks (in the good sense), and have managed to get the upstairs fairly clean (though it's not as sparkly today, with me being sick and only spot cleaning instead of scrubbing bathtubs and such like yesterday and the day before), and a lot of the laundry done, which is a huge accomplishment after everyone getting the stomach flu one day after each other, creating a giant pile of sheets and towels and bedding and clothes that got puked or pooped on, in addition to the usual Mount Washmore.
So I was able to crawl feebly back into bed and dream for awhile this morning....which leads to the dreams part.
Some people say dreams mean stuff, and I really have to wonder what this dream means. For some reason, lately, I have been dreaming about someone....a reunion in this particular dream. It's odd, because I really don't think I have been pondering on this person much....they live a very long way away, and quite honestly have not talked to me or made contact in any way over the past few years. I have not even SEEN this person for....probably about 10 years now, give or take.
In this dream, I am in some strange place, a shelter, maybe? But it's a comfortable place. That much I know. There are a lot of people there, who I seem to know, but am not sure if actually exist in real life, because I don't remember who else was in the dream. this dream, this person is suddenly where I am. They have come back from the far off place, and they see me. This person is very surprised to see me, and in fact pleased to see me, and incredibly impressed with who I am now, I guess both physically and maturity-wise. In my dream I am very happy about this, and very surprised by his pleased surprise, and his sudden higher regard for me....and for some reason I am slightly taller than him, and that impresses him. Weird.
But in my dream, I am still married. I still have my children. It is not a romantic type dream, more of a searching dream, kind of a this-is-who-I am, who-are-you now? sort of thing. I am very pleased he has come, and very pleased at his reactions. I am a loss, I suppose, as to how to react to this person in my dream, a happy yet sad reunion. I want to appear my best for this person, but am not sure why. In my dream I am not sure what he wants from me, or why he is so pleased by who I am, but it was a very good dream that I really wish I could have finished, like a good book....I want to know the ending, the answers to why, what happened, maybe a bit more as to who this person became (in my dream).
And now that I am awake, I find myself seriously wondering what the real person has become now, what he looks like now, how his life is going (beyond what he does for a job....that I know....and where)....and what he really WOULD think of me if we met again, now. What would I think of him? And wondering why it matters, and where the dream and wonderings came from. I have to think about this some more. It just seems somewhat....important, somehow.

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