Sunday, March 25, 2007


Well, my intention was to get up at 7, head on over to the gym, and proceed with the day from there. Amazing how plans change when work is not involved. I can get out of bed at 4AM, 6 days a week, because I have to. But get out of bed at 7AM on a Sunday because I WANT to? ha hahahaha. Let's just cut it short. I got out of bed at 8:30. Oh well. Back to the gym tomorrow. It's a gorgeous, sunny day.Yesterday was, too. Took the kids for a walk, shared a slurpee. Today we go to church, bring home lunch (burgers?), take the kids swimming, phone family, eat supper, and go to curling. Then back to sleep until 4AM. :)


neville222 said...

Do you have DST?

Scuzzlewump said...

Daylight Savings Time? No. Saskatchewan doesn't do that.