Thursday, March 8, 2007

Whoa! What is that? Oh....sunrise.

Today was quite a different morning. Two new routes. No wind. The temperature was -2C...and dawn was actually creeping in by the time I was done. Because of the different temperature, I was sweating like a pig, my glasses fogging up instantly after I wiped them off, because I've been so used to -20C or close to it. It was really nice, and tomorrow I will be dressed a little less thickly, so I can enjoy it more. The sunrise was a major bonus....I'm doing my papers and notice a very bright line on the horizon above the roofs. My first reaction was to wonder to myself what major factory or whatnot was over there that could be giving off such light. After a few minutes, it suddenly occurs to me that this is a foreign sight I am I have not seen for months....DAWN!!!! The sun is starting to come up, so of course the horizon is starting to brighten in readiness for the soon-to-come appearance of the sun for the day. For the past few months, it has been pitch black when I have headed home from papers, so today was very special, and I savoured the sight of the brightening blue and yellow of the sky as I drove home.
Now that I have had one dawn arrive around 6:30, I think things will brighten up considerably, mood-wise, as well...having that little bit of daylight creep in at the end of my routes makes a huge difference in my day. It makes me that much less tired because, I guess, my brain registers the daylight and convinces itself that since it sees daylight, it must not be so early, and therefore it's okay to be awake and stay that way. :) And there will be more and more daylight to come in the weeks ahead, to the point where it will be light around 4:30, just a few minutes after I start my routes for the day. I can hardly wait....especially since it also means gardening season.

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