Thursday, March 22, 2007


That's apparently how many floors I "climb" in 30 minutes on the stairstepper. 321 calories burned. Average heart rate of 170. For anybody who cares. :)
Two days down, 19 until it becomes a habit....theoretically. I wonder if that theory (21 days to create a habit) still applies if you have to take weekends off? Based on the time the leisure centres open, I definitely can't go on Sundays....have to check on Saturdays....if the fieldhouse opens at 7 on Saturday, I could probably go for a jog.
My leg muscles are a sight to behold...the combination of the walking I've been doing with papers over the past few years, plus the muscles I'm going to build on the! My legs jiggle a tiny bit when I walk, but not much....and when I stand on tippy toes, you should SEE the muscle definition in those babies! A few weeks on the stepper, and I won't jiggle anymore cuz my legs will be so RIPPED. :)
It's a wonderful day wind, it's warm....supposed to get up to 8C. Saturday they say is supposed to get up to 18C!
About a week and a half until my sister comes. I'm already behind on my cleaning plan, but hopefully will have everything sparkling by the time they arrive.
I have decided to let my name stand as a nominee for the Board for my Sweet Adelines group...a few people have really been pushing me to do it, and I think it might be fun.

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