Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Change of Attitude

Over the winter, I have been taking on, more and more, the appearance of a walrus. One of the problems with winter is that I spend a lot more time indoors. And indoors is close to the kitchen....or in the kitchen. This means I tend to snack a lot. If I'm cooking, I taste, if I'm baking, I taste. If it's there and I like it, I eat a bit. If I'm watching TV, I might have a snack. If we're watching a movie, we do popcorn....with margarine and flavouring. This, of course, means my weight keeps creeping up and creeping up. It's a little disheartening when Husband and I go to hug and our bellies get in the way.
So today I am going to try a new attitude, the PROPER attitude...I'm going to try to eat to live instead of living to eat. This will not be easy for me...I like food A LOT. But I know I am capable, and I know I will feel a lot better for doing so. So I am going to work really hard at eating only when I am hungry, even if it's not at mealtimes (as in, if I'm not hungry at a usual mealtime, I'll wait until I am), and thinking about WHAT I am eating instead of just eating what I have in front of more cookies, smaller portions on a smaller plate will replace the "fair" portion on a bigger plate that comes from cooking something up and splitting in half whatever the kids don't get, half for me, half for Husband. More veggies, less fat, that sort of thing.
I managed to get the laundry folded and all yesterday, and was only about an hour behind. Today I will get the upstairs tidy and do more laundry. Make another loaf of bread. Take Daughter to Sparks. And get to bed at a decent hour so I'm somewhat alive for my 4AM alarm tomorrow for work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found this site useful and inspirational. No frills, just some basic rules that seem to make sense and actually work: