Well, Daughter played her last game on Saturday. What a great bunch of troopers...it was 30C out, blazing sun, and they were to play at noon. So we arrived at 11:30 for pre-game warmups. Because it was playoffs, they were running half an hour late....a game before them had gone over because they needed extra innings to break a tie. They started around 12:30. First inning...tied 6-6. Second inning...tied 12-12. That should have been the end of the game, had there not been a tie. Third inning....tied 18-18. Fourth inning....tied 24-24. By now they have been playing nearly 2 1/2 hours in the blazing sun (a normal game goes 45 minutes), have run out of water, powerade, gatorade, etc. Everyone is either in tears or nearly there because they are so hot, tired, and thirsty, but the higher ups proclaim the game must be completed. Finally, the other team gets a point more in the fifth inning, and the game is called the second that point is scored, never mind that their team hadn't gotten 3 outs yet. All the players on Daughter's team, as well as their parents, were actually THRILLED that the other team had won. The winning team had to come back in an hour and play another game. Not surprisingly, that team lost their next game. It just wasn't fair to them....they had nothing left to give. So our team whooped and hollered and accepted their Participant medals, got giant freezies, and hopped off to air conditioning with the promise of a wind down party next week (this week, now). We were all feeling pretty sick that night, from heat eaxhaustion, dehydration, and sunburn. I was downright crispy. I still look like Rudolph, though my arms and legs are starting to settle down a bit in their redness. I was so bad, the kids and parents were BOTH praying the other team would get one more point to just end it all...it just wasn't fun anymore by the end.
The next day, Sunday, Daughter, Son, and I went to a camp to see the grounds, as Daughter should be going there for a 4 day-3 night camp in August, as long as her registration goes through. It was a lot of fun, but apparently we brought a tick home with us. Yuck, yuck, yuck. Husband umpired all weekend, and experienced both the bad losers and the injury.
Saturday, Husband took a baseball to the shin. The pictures of the bruise he got are quite something (I will attach them here). He says it feels okay now, but the bruise covers pretty much all the way around, and halfway up his lower leg.

This was on the first day.

This was a day later...he has his sock covering his toes, that's why the shape of his foot looks weird
Sunday I witnessed the biggest poor losers of them all. They lost their game, and were screaming and yelling about what a horrible umpire Husband was, and that they had lost because of a bad ump, and they seriously were ready to go beat him up (including these two old ladies), and the guy doing the point count literally THREW the score sheets at him! Apparently they are known as the team with the worst attitude in the league, players and parents alike. They may no be allowed to play next year because so many people complained about their behaviour.
Oh yes, also in the line of injuries, one player slid into base and broke his arm in three places, and a catcher (I think) took a ball to the wrist and broke it. Ouch!
Heh heh....also in the line of good losers, i lost another 6 pounds this week....that's 9 pounds in 2 weeks! Woo-hoo! Now I have to work really hard because I had my birthday dinner a few days late last night, and am full of stuff that is not conducive to weight loss. :)
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