Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The good, the bad, and the just plain ugly

Well, here I sit on Day Ten...according to the scale, the weight is bouncing a little, but at least not going above Monday's measurement. Trying very hard to stick to the plan, but craving everything in sight.
I was so tired this morning that when I got home from papers and the gym, I crashed on the couch and stayed in a semi-comatose state, waking only to growl at my family about the noise, for 4 hours. That means I didn't drag my sorry butt back into daily life until around 10:30. Because we eat lunch at 11:30 (because Daughter catches the bus at 12:30), I didn't get breakfast. That means I didn't have my coffee and I'm 4 cups behind on my water. Which makes my mood downright UGLY. I have a headache and no real inclination to clean anything, though I know I really must.
That is the bad and the ugly.
The good is that, so far, Daughter's team is in the top 4. Friday will decide whether they stay on top or not, and then if all goes well, two more winning games and we get the trophy. If we lose a game, we keep going, but our game schedule packs a few more games into a very short period of time. I think they'll at the very least win this next game, and beyond that it's anybody's guess,as the next team they would play after Friday has been a real Goliath, tromping everyone all season.
Also good is that I am finally feeling some improvement in the pinched nerve area. Because it's been over two weeks, I have a fair bit of nerve damage, so I'm very tender, to put it skin feels like it's sunburnt when it's touched, from neck to halfway to my elbow, and the muscles and nerves in that same area are very, very, very sore....but that pinched nerve feeling is fading somewhat, so I'm not having to sit up to sleep anymore, and didn't wake up wishing someone would shoot me because of the pain from sleeping normally....not that I didn't wake up in pain, but comparatively, it's easier to bear because I can sense that it's going away...the pain is down to maybe 50% now. Yay. Now I just have to work on strengthening the muscles again. I'm finding they are fairly weak, which is not a good thing, with it being my right side, and my being right-handed.
Well, off to try to complete the cleaning of the living room. If I manage to also switch the laundry, fold the dry stuff, and unload/reload the dishwasher, I will call it a successful day.

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