Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sunday Morning Sunshine

Good morning! I actually am running on full steam this morning, having overslept until 9AM. The sun is shining, it's still freezing cold out there, but I just have to go from house to car, car to church, church to car, car to KFC, KFC to car, and car to which point we eat lunch and decide what to do for family day. Yup. Every Sunday afternoon has been set aside solely for doing SOMETHING together. The plan was originally sledding, but unless things warm up, we will need to make alternate plans. i managed to escape from mommyhood last night and go see a movie all by myself, clutching my bag of salt and vinegar popcorn and big cup of pepsi....and not having to share, quiet any children, take anybody to the potty, explain anything from the movie, or even THINK for TWO WHOLE HOURS!!!! It was great.
Came home to a dark house and hubby having rolled himself up in the blankets like a taquito (it WAS around midnight), after having been specifically asked before I left to make a nice warm spot in bed for me (because I get cold easily and take a long time to warm up and his making a warm spot makes going to bed a much nicer experience for all), so ended up grabbing a comforter and sleeping elsewhere. (When it's late and I'm tired, I sometimes take offense at the stupidest things...either way, we both got a decent sleep, and then talked it all out in the first few minutes of both being awake)...
So now I wolf down my oatmeal, and off we go to church. MY church, as of this week, having been officially been accepted as a member. Woo-hoo! I will write more about it another day, as that is a whole other story,

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