Daughter has a skill. I can totally see her using this as a career someday....if she wants to, that is. She loves doing this, and her teacher has even said we should sign her up for classes. Which, in regards to the last post, we simply do not have the money to do right now.
But someday we will, because I think she has real talent, and I'll show you why I say this...she did this in about 15 minutes, while at her brother's soccer game on the weekend:

She is just recently turned 8, by the way.
Proud Mommy moment. :)
1 comment:
me again, lol. Wow, for such a young child she has awesome talent! If you can't afford classes right now, you can work with her on your own. Go to the library (or look for a used one for sale online) and find a copy of "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." It has exercises used in professional art classes. She would probably be too young to actually read it, but you can read it and give her some exercises to work through (and then give her time to just draw for fun so it doesn't get boring!) Also, ALWAYS encourage her. Many children (especially girls) give up on their art at about 10-12 because they become aware of the criticism of others and get self-conscious about their work and quit drawing or painting at all rather than face any kind of criticism, even from peers. It is a sad thing to happen, but it does, so be her biggest cheerleader now and especially in the coming years!
What a talented daughter you have! Wish you the best!
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