Friday, May 25, 2007

Shouldn'ta eaten that!

Don't know what "that" actually is, but Husband and I have not been feeling great. Husband actually didn't feel good for the last few days, I was feeling okay....until this morning. I shall keep it short and just say that papers took longer than I would have liked because I had to make two mid-route trips to a local Husky and a local Tim Hortons. Not fun. My plan had been to not eat or drink anything for awhile, like maybe all day, but once I got home, I really was very hungry, so unthinkingly, I had oatmeal with raisins and a mug of coffee. I am hoping that this was not a huge mistake.
On a happier note, 6 days until my friend comes. I am very excited and impatient, but at the same time a bit stressed...I need to get the house clean. It's getting there, but not as fast as I'd like, and every time I turn around, I see something else that needs to be and mirrors, walls with handprints all over them, spills in the fridge (pancake syrup and cherry juice. Yuck!), stains on the carpet, floors that need to be mopped, etc, etc, etc, as well as the everyday cleanups that need to be done of dishes and dirt and toys and whatever else the family leaves around or tracks in. And we all know how motivated I am and how energetic I tend to be. Bleah. I'm good for about 2 hours, then I kinda fizzle.
Guess I should go do that 2 hours at least. Today I focus on the downstairs, so cleaning MY room, the den, and the bathroom, and doing all the laundry that comes with those....and if I get ambitious, I will sort my craft boxes. Pretty craft box has exploded into 3.

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