Thursday, April 12, 2007

I must be Nuts

Here I am, following a tired day with a morning where I had to get up at 2:45AM!
Surprisingly, I had less trouble today than yesterday. Oh, it took a few minutes and major stretches and yawns to get the old motor started, but it wasn't killing me to get out and do my job. I actually was feeling pretty good. Now I am home and the sleepies are creeping in, but I have time to snooze on the couch before the kids get up.
I sort of followed one of my friends' recipes yesterday (by that, I mean I followed her idea, but not her recipe), and made apple pie pizza pops, but with apple filling. They turned out not too bad....they don't look very pretty, but they taste yummy.
So tell me everyone, who is actually out there? The comments section has been deafeningly silent lately....anybody still out there reading this blog anymore, or am I just writing to myself? Drop me a line. Let me know somebody's out there. Please? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still reading away
