Here is a gratuitous picture of my parents. Because I can.
As of Thursday afternoon, despite not totally being happy with the reason for it, my stress level decreased quite a bit...my schedule had been off. Things had not happened as they were supposed to, and me being the hypochondriac that I am, I was interpreting every little symptom I had to be something serious. The eggs and toast obsession, the nausea, the aches and pains and tiredness and the fact that, well, my schedule was off. In short, I thought I might have either had an ectopic pregnancy, or just a plain old normal one. I'm not pregnant. And this is a good thing. And I continue to remind myself of this.
It's really weird...I cannot get pregnant, I don't WANT to be pregnant, we couldn't afford for me to be, Husband definitely would not want me to be (it took a few years just to convince him to have two), and with the way my pregnancies went, it would probably literally kill me to be pregnant again. No joke, with each pregnancy causing worse and worse health issues, a third child likely would have been fatal....but despite all of that, I was starting to fantasize, run through the "What if"s...rearranging the house in my mind, wondering if I could or would offer it to someone I know who has been trying to have kids with no success, thinking about what it would be like to have 3, or how hard it would be to let that baby go if it was ectopic (as those kinds of pregnancies MUST be terminated). I thought I was through with the whole "thinking about babies" thing. But here I am, to a certain extent, lamenting the "baby that wasn't". How crazy must I be, eh?
In any case, I looked in on my little sleeping kidlets, Buglet and Twinklet, and are they ever ADORABLE when asleep. Both with one leg hanging down over the edge of the bed, covers rumpled and tangled over and around them....they make me smile. :)
I didn't go to the gym today, because I finished papers an hour before the gym opened, and was cold, tired, and had a full bladder....so home I came and made a nice cup of hot chocolate with a few drops of mint extract. Yum! Yesterday was a MAJOR "Just Give Me Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt" day...and it had to be dark. I have come to the conclusion that milk chocolate is gross and way too sweet, and white chocolate is simply not chocolate at all. Semi-sweet chocolate is okay, but DARK chocolate is absolute heaven. Husband doesn't agree with me...he figures semi-sweet is the best...but for me, the higher the cocoa percentage, the better. I had a bar once, which cost a fortune, by the way, that had 86% cocoa. That was amazing....but on my budget, WalMart just came out with a dark belgian chocolate bar that has maybe a cocoa level of 65-70% that does relatively well. By itself is wonderful, but melt some of that sucker down (it's a very big bar) and dip some fruit in it, you have a dessert (or snack) to die for. :-P
In about an hour and a half, we will be going out for breakfast...we are meeting with the pastor and his wife just for a get-to-know-you-better meal, at a restaurant. It should be fun.
Why have more kids when you can just be the one who offers sage advice to those just starting?
LOL...oh, yeah, sure. :) Despite having 2 kids, I know full well my advice is less than perfect, but rather based ONLY on the experiences with MY kids.
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