Saturday, October 13, 2007

Absolute Humiliation

I have never been so humiliated in my whole life.
I woke up at 3:30 to do a 142 paper route, came home, climbed into a hot bath and almost fell asleep in there, prevented only by Son continually yelling through the door. Still feeling depressed, more so after staring into the mirror for a long time before I got in the tub.
Went to a ladies' breakfast at church....they were drawing names for secret sisters today. Anyway. I arrive, and sit down at a table with 5 or 6 others. Some lady i don't even KNOW comes bouncing up, and in a huge voice says "SO! I hear you are expecting?!?!?"
-No, I quietly answer.
-No! I'm not!
-Are you sure?
-YES! I am NOT pregnant!
-Oh! Well, somebody told me you were!
-Oh. Well...I was told you were!
-*silent shaking of head as I try to control my emotions*

That has pretty much shattered my day.
A) somebody looked at me and said "hmm, I do believe that woman is pregnant!"
B) That somebody felt the need to TELL somebody I was pregnant without asking me first
C) This lady who she told has a very loud voice and drew a lot of attention
D) This lady didn't have the grace to back down and try to preserve some shred of dignity for me, and somehow felt the need to argue with me about something I really ought to know about, after all, I do live in this body and know what is and is not possible.
E) In order for her to keep at the topic, I obviously look bad enough for people to feel they are justified in trying to convince me I am pregnant.
Definitely NOT what I needed today. Couldn't feel much worse if I tried. Feel so bad I even feel too bad to cry. Couldn't cry even if i wanted to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is an inconsiderate boob who needs to get her head out of her ass. She was embarrased because she asked an inappropriate question to begin with. Even if you were pregnant until you announce it nobody should ask. It's just like when people ask if I'm going to have any more kids, when I tell them no they then proceed to ask me if I've done anything to prevent it from happening. It's NONE of anybody's business. I'm really really sorry you had to deal with this idiot and this has made you sad just remember you can always lose weight but she will always be an idiot.