I am so proud of my Dad. I have now read the first 14 chapters of his book, "Advertising Murder", and it is AMAZING! I read and read and read, chuckle over some little joke, stop and realize MY DAD wrote that, read some more....you get the picture. Then just out of curiosity, after an e-mail from Dad, I Googled him and his book...there are A LOT of libraries who already have his book on their shelves! Including the Ottawa library! Whoa! Very cool. :)
Today the kids and I tackled the kitchen, a room we are notorious for letting slide into a nasty mess. It took us all morning, but we now have a decent looking kitchen that now only needs to A) be kept clean B) have its cupboards sorted and C) have its floors scrubbed and mopped, as well as cupboard doors scrubbed down.
Now I just succeeded at the difficult feat of making both banana muffins AND banana bread without turning the kitchen back into a disaster, but instead merely having a few dishes to wash up with supper.
I will now go celebrate with a mini muffin, a dose of Dr Phil, and a few more chapters of Dad's book while Son naps and Daughter is in school.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
It's OUT!!!!!!
I now have a famous father (or soon to be)...his book is out in the stores now, through Amazon. Advertising Murder is the title, it's the first of three books, and is it ever GOOD! And I don't say that just because he's my Dad....I am amazed at this book, he's an amazing writer! Wow!
Oh...Robert Scott would be the author. :-D
Nothing big happening today, just the usual, but everybody, seriously....buy my Dad's book!!!!!!! And, NO, I don't say it just because he's my Dad. :)
Oh...Robert Scott would be the author. :-D
Nothing big happening today, just the usual, but everybody, seriously....buy my Dad's book!!!!!!! And, NO, I don't say it just because he's my Dad. :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I am so TIRED! I worked a BINGO last night from 5:15 until midnight, meaning I was awake for 20 1/2 hours yesterday, by the time I got to bed. Husband got up at 6AM for his weekly breakfast meeting, so I had 5 1/2 hours of sleep there, then an extra hour before he phoned to get me out of bed. Today, you see, is the day Daughter goes to the French Immersion school for a trial run, and we talk with the principal there.
Yesterday afternoon we talked with her current teacher and principal, and both of them totally agree that this is the best thing to do for her, considering her abilities and the way the other kids react to that. How many Kindergarteners these days can read chapter books and multiply, eh? So we are going to give her this challenge to bring her down a notch (this sounds mean, but it's actually a good thing), so she will have success in life not only in terms of the doors that will open to her with the French, but also in terms of teaching her what it is like to face, and deal with, a challenge.
It's going to be fun to see how the kids grow and change in the next years, and this new opportunity is going to be great, especially since we are taking a trip to Montreal in November 2008....she should be able to understand a few of the signs and maybe talk to someone in French a bit while we are there. We figure if Son shows signs of being like Daughter, we will just put him in the French Immersion right at the Kindergarten level, and skip trying the English stream. We may just do it anyway, since it might be good to have both kids at the same school.
I am hoping Son decides to cooperate and nap today, because *I* seriously need one! Shocking as it may sound to all you high school friends (you know who you are!), I can only drink so much coffee.
Yesterday afternoon we talked with her current teacher and principal, and both of them totally agree that this is the best thing to do for her, considering her abilities and the way the other kids react to that. How many Kindergarteners these days can read chapter books and multiply, eh? So we are going to give her this challenge to bring her down a notch (this sounds mean, but it's actually a good thing), so she will have success in life not only in terms of the doors that will open to her with the French, but also in terms of teaching her what it is like to face, and deal with, a challenge.
It's going to be fun to see how the kids grow and change in the next years, and this new opportunity is going to be great, especially since we are taking a trip to Montreal in November 2008....she should be able to understand a few of the signs and maybe talk to someone in French a bit while we are there. We figure if Son shows signs of being like Daughter, we will just put him in the French Immersion right at the Kindergarten level, and skip trying the English stream. We may just do it anyway, since it might be good to have both kids at the same school.
I am hoping Son decides to cooperate and nap today, because *I* seriously need one! Shocking as it may sound to all you high school friends (you know who you are!), I can only drink so much coffee.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Less Stressed

Here is a gratuitous picture of my parents. Because I can.
As of Thursday afternoon, despite not totally being happy with the reason for it, my stress level decreased quite a bit...my schedule had been off. Things had not happened as they were supposed to, and me being the hypochondriac that I am, I was interpreting every little symptom I had to be something serious. The eggs and toast obsession, the nausea, the aches and pains and tiredness and the fact that, well, my schedule was off. In short, I thought I might have either had an ectopic pregnancy, or just a plain old normal one. I'm not pregnant. And this is a good thing. And I continue to remind myself of this.
It's really weird...I cannot get pregnant, I don't WANT to be pregnant, we couldn't afford for me to be, Husband definitely would not want me to be (it took a few years just to convince him to have two), and with the way my pregnancies went, it would probably literally kill me to be pregnant again. No joke, with each pregnancy causing worse and worse health issues, a third child likely would have been fatal....but despite all of that, I was starting to fantasize, run through the "What if"s...rearranging the house in my mind, wondering if I could or would offer it to someone I know who has been trying to have kids with no success, thinking about what it would be like to have 3, or how hard it would be to let that baby go if it was ectopic (as those kinds of pregnancies MUST be terminated). I thought I was through with the whole "thinking about babies" thing. But here I am, to a certain extent, lamenting the "baby that wasn't". How crazy must I be, eh?
In any case, I looked in on my little sleeping kidlets, Buglet and Twinklet, and are they ever ADORABLE when asleep. Both with one leg hanging down over the edge of the bed, covers rumpled and tangled over and around them....they make me smile. :)
I didn't go to the gym today, because I finished papers an hour before the gym opened, and was cold, tired, and had a full bladder....so home I came and made a nice cup of hot chocolate with a few drops of mint extract. Yum! Yesterday was a MAJOR "Just Give Me Chocolate and Nobody Gets Hurt" day...and it had to be dark. I have come to the conclusion that milk chocolate is gross and way too sweet, and white chocolate is simply not chocolate at all. Semi-sweet chocolate is okay, but DARK chocolate is absolute heaven. Husband doesn't agree with me...he figures semi-sweet is the best...but for me, the higher the cocoa percentage, the better. I had a bar once, which cost a fortune, by the way, that had 86% cocoa. That was amazing....but on my budget, WalMart just came out with a dark belgian chocolate bar that has maybe a cocoa level of 65-70% that does relatively well. By itself is wonderful, but melt some of that sucker down (it's a very big bar) and dip some fruit in it, you have a dessert (or snack) to die for. :-P
In about an hour and a half, we will be going out for breakfast...we are meeting with the pastor and his wife just for a get-to-know-you-better meal, at a restaurant. It should be fun.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
All I can think of to eat for breakfast lately is eggs and toast, eggs and toast. There are lots of other yummy options to consider....toast with pb and jam or honey, rice krispies with banana, oatmeal with raisins or apples and cinnamon, wheatlets...but I want eggs and toast. Truth be known, as yummy as the other options seem, the last few days, my tummy has been telling me it won't stand for anything but eggs and toast. I wish I knew if it's a sign, if I'm just going through a phase, or if eggs and toast are alive and giving off telepathic vibes.
And I am so HUNGRY lately...except that I also don't feel so great in between times...it's like I feel like I could eat a house...I eat something, and spend the next few hours feeling kinda yucky....until i get ravenously hungry again. Not the best scenario for someone wanting to lose some weight.
Today is really windy, so doing papers was a bit of a chore, even though it was really short...no paper rungs below the mailboxes today! Every one had to be placed, shoved, stuffed, whatever it required, into the INSIDE of the mailboxes so I wouldn't have a mile-long complaint sheet tomorrow from people whose papers decided to take a jaunt down the block.
Made it to the gym afterwards, and had a heart rate of 164. Still a ways to go until the preferred maximum of 142, but we'll get there.
I'm a little tired, and as always, with the tiredness comes the dizziness, and my back hurts, but I go to the massage therapist today, so things should loosen up nicely.
Next week should be interesting...on Monday afternoon, we talk with Daughter's teacher and principal about putting her in the French Immersion school, and then Tuesday morning, she goes for a trial run at the new school while we talk with the principal THERE about Grade One.
Anyway, better go get those eggs and toast...feeling a bit nauseous.
And I am so HUNGRY lately...except that I also don't feel so great in between times...it's like I feel like I could eat a house...I eat something, and spend the next few hours feeling kinda yucky....until i get ravenously hungry again. Not the best scenario for someone wanting to lose some weight.
Today is really windy, so doing papers was a bit of a chore, even though it was really short...no paper rungs below the mailboxes today! Every one had to be placed, shoved, stuffed, whatever it required, into the INSIDE of the mailboxes so I wouldn't have a mile-long complaint sheet tomorrow from people whose papers decided to take a jaunt down the block.
Made it to the gym afterwards, and had a heart rate of 164. Still a ways to go until the preferred maximum of 142, but we'll get there.
I'm a little tired, and as always, with the tiredness comes the dizziness, and my back hurts, but I go to the massage therapist today, so things should loosen up nicely.
Next week should be interesting...on Monday afternoon, we talk with Daughter's teacher and principal about putting her in the French Immersion school, and then Tuesday morning, she goes for a trial run at the new school while we talk with the principal THERE about Grade One.
Anyway, better go get those eggs and toast...feeling a bit nauseous.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Grinding to a Halt
I haven't really been very motivated to write lately....it seems that a lot of what I write must seem somewhat petty to others....it's not like I live a terribly interesting life, overall, just your basic, lower middle class stay-at-home-Mom existence. I'm glad there are maybe 4 of you out there who check this blog out....it's nice to know someone's out there. :)
If anyone has any ideas for interesting things I can talk about, let me know, and I'll certainly give it a shot. :)
The last time I wrote was Saturday, sooo....
Saturday was fun, going to the surprise party, and then when Husband picked me up, getting Joey's Only for supper....it's way too greasy for frequent consumption, but every once in awhile it's pretty yummy.
Sunday was a very busy day...I helped lead the singing at church, Husband had Umpire School all day, and Daughter had her first meeting with her softball coach, plus in between all of this, I drove by Daughter's new school for next year (more in a minute), took them to McD's for lunch (and yes, they got to play on the playplace for a bit), and had them run around like maniacs at a local playpark. After all this, picked up Husband after watching the police, firemen, and ambulance arrive after somebody hit a teen on a bike who shot out into traffic without looking, went home, made burgers, and vegged.
Monday we e-mailed back and forth with a local French Immersion school....Daughter is finding normal school way too easy, and needs a challenge (and a bit of a nick to her pride)...she can already multiply, she's reading chapter books, etc, etc....and although she doesn't mean it in a mean way, is very liberal in telling everyone how easy all the work at school is, which is causing her to enter the miserable, lonely world of geekdom waaaaaaaay too early. Husband and I both lived the lonely world of the geek, where nobody wanted to hang around us cuz we were smart and not cool, and we figure if she's gotta be smart, she might as well be smart in a place where she has half a shot at being accepted as such, and according to the principal at the French Immersion school, this will be a great place because not only will she get the challenge she needs (learning a new language while learning the school material), but the kids in her class are also motivated and smart...or will be, since she will not start attending until the fall, when she starts Grade 1. She won't have too much of a problem catching up, as I will be teaching her some stuff over the summer, we may be billeting a French Canadian from Quebec in the summer for the Canadian baseball Championships, I have taught her the important phrase "Je ne comprends pas", and in less than a day she not only learned to count to 11 in French, but started the complex thought process of taking "Je ne comprends pas" and the numbers and coming up with "Je am six" <---pronounced in the French way. I explained that it was a good try and then told her what it should be (J'ai six ans)....but just that she would combine those concepts that quickly....she'll get the language down in no time.
Anyway, also on Monday, I started prepping my back yard for planting...it's really nice outside, weather wise, finally. Yesterday I worked a bit more on it, so that I'm almost ready to plant....as long as the weather holds, and as soon as I get the seeds. I'm even wearing shorts, it's so warm out!
I didn't wear shorts for papers this morning, though....a bit too cool at 6C when it's only 4:30AM. Had a short route today, a mere 42 papers, then headed to the gym. I'm out of practice, with a heart rate of 167....but once I am back on a regular routine, it should come back down again.
My best friend from Montreal (who now lives in Toronto) is coming to visit! My first ever friend to come visit me in my own home (except when I was in 2nd year university and K drove 3 hours to see me)!!!! I am so excited, and hope she will have fun...and not get too disgusted with my less than perfect cleaning habits.
Anyways, I should get on with my day now....everyone will be getting up soon, and I need to decide what to have for breakfast. Maybe eggs and toast again.
If anyone has any ideas for interesting things I can talk about, let me know, and I'll certainly give it a shot. :)
The last time I wrote was Saturday, sooo....
Saturday was fun, going to the surprise party, and then when Husband picked me up, getting Joey's Only for supper....it's way too greasy for frequent consumption, but every once in awhile it's pretty yummy.
Sunday was a very busy day...I helped lead the singing at church, Husband had Umpire School all day, and Daughter had her first meeting with her softball coach, plus in between all of this, I drove by Daughter's new school for next year (more in a minute), took them to McD's for lunch (and yes, they got to play on the playplace for a bit), and had them run around like maniacs at a local playpark. After all this, picked up Husband after watching the police, firemen, and ambulance arrive after somebody hit a teen on a bike who shot out into traffic without looking, went home, made burgers, and vegged.
Monday we e-mailed back and forth with a local French Immersion school....Daughter is finding normal school way too easy, and needs a challenge (and a bit of a nick to her pride)...she can already multiply, she's reading chapter books, etc, etc....and although she doesn't mean it in a mean way, is very liberal in telling everyone how easy all the work at school is, which is causing her to enter the miserable, lonely world of geekdom waaaaaaaay too early. Husband and I both lived the lonely world of the geek, where nobody wanted to hang around us cuz we were smart and not cool, and we figure if she's gotta be smart, she might as well be smart in a place where she has half a shot at being accepted as such, and according to the principal at the French Immersion school, this will be a great place because not only will she get the challenge she needs (learning a new language while learning the school material), but the kids in her class are also motivated and smart...or will be, since she will not start attending until the fall, when she starts Grade 1. She won't have too much of a problem catching up, as I will be teaching her some stuff over the summer, we may be billeting a French Canadian from Quebec in the summer for the Canadian baseball Championships, I have taught her the important phrase "Je ne comprends pas", and in less than a day she not only learned to count to 11 in French, but started the complex thought process of taking "Je ne comprends pas" and the numbers and coming up with "Je am six" <---pronounced in the French way. I explained that it was a good try and then told her what it should be (J'ai six ans)....but just that she would combine those concepts that quickly....she'll get the language down in no time.
Anyway, also on Monday, I started prepping my back yard for planting...it's really nice outside, weather wise, finally. Yesterday I worked a bit more on it, so that I'm almost ready to plant....as long as the weather holds, and as soon as I get the seeds. I'm even wearing shorts, it's so warm out!
I didn't wear shorts for papers this morning, though....a bit too cool at 6C when it's only 4:30AM. Had a short route today, a mere 42 papers, then headed to the gym. I'm out of practice, with a heart rate of 167....but once I am back on a regular routine, it should come back down again.
My best friend from Montreal (who now lives in Toronto) is coming to visit! My first ever friend to come visit me in my own home (except when I was in 2nd year university and K drove 3 hours to see me)!!!! I am so excited, and hope she will have fun...and not get too disgusted with my less than perfect cleaning habits.
Anyways, I should get on with my day now....everyone will be getting up soon, and I need to decide what to have for breakfast. Maybe eggs and toast again.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
This is sad
Come on! I either have a bunch of people lurking, afraid to tell me they're out there, or I have an audience of two, one who left a comment, and one who MSN'd me cuz she was mad at me over something in my blog.
What's the point of having a blog if nobody's interested in what I have to say?
Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. I messed up once again, and about an hour before we were to leave for the movie, I grabbed the free admission coupons....and stared in horror at what they said...only valid Sunday-Thursday. Crud muffins. So we went through the whole thing of can-we-afford-to-just-go...no...what if Husband and Daughter go and me and Son go with the coupons next week....no, because Daughter wants everyone to go and there is no way on earth I am taking Son to the movies by myself, not after the Happy Feet incident...Sunday is too busy, Monday we can't go because we have to be up early Tuesday and so would be too tired the next day, Tuesday I have chorus, Wednesday Daughter has Sparks...so Thursday it will be. How disappointing to have to wait a whole extra week!
So instead I left the kids at home with Husband, hopped into our newly repaired van (on which the back hatch is not a perfect latch, but will do), and took off for a few hours in search of discounted Peanut Butter eggs and Moo Poo, and my paycheque....and to put said cheque in the bank. Got and deposited the cheque.Totally destroyed any semblance of an effort to lose weight...bought and ate 3 donuts and a litre of iced coffee from Safeway, plus bought (but didn't eat) pb truffles (discounted). Later found my pb eggs in Zellers, checked out the new dollar store in the mall, bought 72 kg of Moo Poo, then got a dvd burner at Husband's request on the drive back...and 2 Slurpees and a scratch card at 7-Eleven. (And no, I didn't win a penny)
Made cheese fondue for supper, and a chocolate fondue with apple slices for dessert. watched Jungle Book with the kids while sorting Lite Brite pegs with them...once they were in bed, had that MSN convo, watched the second half of Identity and then went to bed.
Today Daughter goes out selling Girl Guide cookies, then I go to a surprise party for a chorus member who is turning 40, and Daughter goes to a party for a friend from church. Should be fun.
What's the point of having a blog if nobody's interested in what I have to say?
Yesterday didn't go quite as planned. I messed up once again, and about an hour before we were to leave for the movie, I grabbed the free admission coupons....and stared in horror at what they said...only valid Sunday-Thursday. Crud muffins. So we went through the whole thing of can-we-afford-to-just-go...no...what if Husband and Daughter go and me and Son go with the coupons next week....no, because Daughter wants everyone to go and there is no way on earth I am taking Son to the movies by myself, not after the Happy Feet incident...Sunday is too busy, Monday we can't go because we have to be up early Tuesday and so would be too tired the next day, Tuesday I have chorus, Wednesday Daughter has Sparks...so Thursday it will be. How disappointing to have to wait a whole extra week!
So instead I left the kids at home with Husband, hopped into our newly repaired van (on which the back hatch is not a perfect latch, but will do), and took off for a few hours in search of discounted Peanut Butter eggs and Moo Poo, and my paycheque....and to put said cheque in the bank. Got and deposited the cheque.Totally destroyed any semblance of an effort to lose weight...bought and ate 3 donuts and a litre of iced coffee from Safeway, plus bought (but didn't eat) pb truffles (discounted). Later found my pb eggs in Zellers, checked out the new dollar store in the mall, bought 72 kg of Moo Poo, then got a dvd burner at Husband's request on the drive back...and 2 Slurpees and a scratch card at 7-Eleven. (And no, I didn't win a penny)
Made cheese fondue for supper, and a chocolate fondue with apple slices for dessert. watched Jungle Book with the kids while sorting Lite Brite pegs with them...once they were in bed, had that MSN convo, watched the second half of Identity and then went to bed.
Today Daughter goes out selling Girl Guide cookies, then I go to a surprise party for a chorus member who is turning 40, and Daughter goes to a party for a friend from church. Should be fun.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Looks like I have an audience of one. Nice to know you're out there, Kendra. :)
Today we get our van back. Finally. Then I will go pick up my whopping $79 or so paycheque, buy some moo poo for the garden (that's what it's called, seriously! Brand name. :) )...make sandwiches, feed everybody, then we go see "Meet the Robinsons". We are very excited. We bought lots of cereal so we could have the free movie admission coupons, and the "no passes" restriction is finally off....AND it's showing at the good theatre where you can get cool stuff like poutine to eat during the movie.
Finally got back to the gym today. Heart rate of 164. Not bad, considering that I haven't really been much in the last week.
Today we get our van back. Finally. Then I will go pick up my whopping $79 or so paycheque, buy some moo poo for the garden (that's what it's called, seriously! Brand name. :) )...make sandwiches, feed everybody, then we go see "Meet the Robinsons". We are very excited. We bought lots of cereal so we could have the free movie admission coupons, and the "no passes" restriction is finally off....AND it's showing at the good theatre where you can get cool stuff like poutine to eat during the movie.
Finally got back to the gym today. Heart rate of 164. Not bad, considering that I haven't really been much in the last week.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I must be Nuts
Here I am, following a tired day with a morning where I had to get up at 2:45AM!
Surprisingly, I had less trouble today than yesterday. Oh, it took a few minutes and major stretches and yawns to get the old motor started, but it wasn't killing me to get out and do my job. I actually was feeling pretty good. Now I am home and the sleepies are creeping in, but I have time to snooze on the couch before the kids get up.
I sort of followed one of my friends' recipes yesterday (by that, I mean I followed her idea, but not her recipe), and made apple pie pops...like pizza pops, but with apple filling. They turned out not too bad....they don't look very pretty, but they taste yummy.
So tell me everyone, who is actually out there? The comments section has been deafeningly silent lately....anybody still out there reading this blog anymore, or am I just writing to myself? Drop me a line. Let me know somebody's out there. Please? :)
Surprisingly, I had less trouble today than yesterday. Oh, it took a few minutes and major stretches and yawns to get the old motor started, but it wasn't killing me to get out and do my job. I actually was feeling pretty good. Now I am home and the sleepies are creeping in, but I have time to snooze on the couch before the kids get up.
I sort of followed one of my friends' recipes yesterday (by that, I mean I followed her idea, but not her recipe), and made apple pie pops...like pizza pops, but with apple filling. They turned out not too bad....they don't look very pretty, but they taste yummy.
So tell me everyone, who is actually out there? The comments section has been deafeningly silent lately....anybody still out there reading this blog anymore, or am I just writing to myself? Drop me a line. Let me know somebody's out there. Please? :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I'm back again
Well, I've kind of been off this blog lately, mostly because of my houseguests, but also because we've all had roaring colds. I am feeling much better now, although I am having what one of my friends calls a "tired day"....peeled myself out of bed this morning, shuffling off to do papers, pushed myself through the two routes, and decided it would be safer for everybody involved if I didn't go to the gym, but rather drove carefully home and snoozed on the couch until the rest of the family was up...carefully because I was so tired I was afraid I was going to fall asleep at the wheel, and also because with this surprise snowstorm we got yesterday, the roads are sheer ice (and snow).
Well, that was around 6:30. That's pretty much all I remember until Husband routed me off the couch around 9:30. And it took me a good hour and a strong cup of coffee to even remotely be able to put a coherent thought together. I'm about ready to go back to bed, if it were feasible....but of course, it's 2:30PM, so that is just silly.
We are still driving around in the rental van. The garage phoned today to say maybe they might possibly have it ready for tomorrow (but maybe not)...gives me a better idea of how serious the crash was if it's already been a week that they've been working on it, and they still have at least a day of work left on it.
My back is is terrible shape, standing for a long time (like last night at chorus) is excruciating. The antiinflammatories I was given I can't take because of my allergy to ASA (I tried anyway, and ended up bleeding), and the muscle relaxants make me stupidly groggy. So essentially I can't ease the pain because I have to care for the kiddies. I look forward to 2 weeks from now when I can see the massage therapist again. Until then, I guess I beg Husband to use the Thumper on me every day (so called because it's a hand held muscle massager that basically THUMPS your muscles into submission).
Well, I've spent enough time procrastinating....I have a dishwasher to load and a kitchen to clean. I'd better find some really upbeat music to put on to get me through it easier.
Well, that was around 6:30. That's pretty much all I remember until Husband routed me off the couch around 9:30. And it took me a good hour and a strong cup of coffee to even remotely be able to put a coherent thought together. I'm about ready to go back to bed, if it were feasible....but of course, it's 2:30PM, so that is just silly.
We are still driving around in the rental van. The garage phoned today to say maybe they might possibly have it ready for tomorrow (but maybe not)...gives me a better idea of how serious the crash was if it's already been a week that they've been working on it, and they still have at least a day of work left on it.
My back is is terrible shape, standing for a long time (like last night at chorus) is excruciating. The antiinflammatories I was given I can't take because of my allergy to ASA (I tried anyway, and ended up bleeding), and the muscle relaxants make me stupidly groggy. So essentially I can't ease the pain because I have to care for the kiddies. I look forward to 2 weeks from now when I can see the massage therapist again. Until then, I guess I beg Husband to use the Thumper on me every day (so called because it's a hand held muscle massager that basically THUMPS your muscles into submission).
Well, I've spent enough time procrastinating....I have a dishwasher to load and a kitchen to clean.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Disappointment and Excitement
Well, Sister and B-I-L have gone home. I hope they had a good week. The only problem is that something happened and I need to vent, but I know they probably will read this and I don't want any more feelings hurt for anyone. I will therefore write my thoughts and apologize in advance for any hurt feelings.
Daughter was very disappointed with the week. She had been sooooo excited. Her Auntie was coming. She had waited since before Christmas, and had all these amazing plans for things she wanted to do and show her Auntie. Auntie came, and the first day was fine...but then the rest of the week she slowly started getting disappointed. But because she is 6-going-on-50, she never said anything. She took it like an adult, and didn't complain, didn't tell me how she felt...until last night, when she broke down in tears. "All week, I kept asking, do you want to play with me? Do you want to play Barbies? Will you play a game with me? And all she ever said was 'maybe later, not right now,I don't really feel like doing that'....but Mommy, later never CAME! She never wants to do ANYTHING with me! All she wants to do is sit and watch TV and now she said no because she wants to watch the show...but she already WATCHED that one, YESTERDAY!"
My poor baby. Her heart was breaking, because, being 6, she took it personally, and because she is so mature, she wouldn't say anything to Auntie. Husband and I comforted her in her room, and because she has the week off, we saw a good opportunity to give her a little extra attention...if there was something she would like to do, and it was at all humanly possible, we would do it. It looks like we are planning a dress up tea party with cake, maybe with a friend from kindergarten coming over to join us. But she was still disappointed, and after saying goodnight to them, she told me "They never even hugged me goodnight, just walked in, said goodnight, and walked out"
Now before anybody jumps all over Auntie and Uncle, I honestly believe they had no idea how they came across, and I was too uncomfortable to bring it up. They have conflicting schedules, so although they have been married nearly 4 years, they haven't spent much time together....so we left them pretty much to do as they pleased, which was basically a lot of sitting on the couch, side by side, under a comforter. I'm glad they got to spend the time together....I just wish it could have been done in a way that didn't break my daughter's heart.
I really hope the next time will go better. Perhaps by then, they will be a little more in tune with the kids' viewpoints and feelings, maybe feeling a bit more energetic, and therefore more up to playing with the kids.
It was great to see them and have them here, don't get me wrong...but when my child feels that someone only came to see me and Husband, and not her, something has gone terribly wrong.
My title says excitement, too, and that is as a result of a phone conversation we had yesterday. Originally, my parents were planning on getting a smaller house this summer, then in a few years, considering moving here....then it changed to they were staying in their house they have now, and moving here in 3 years...as of yesterday's call, the plan is that they are moving here NEXT SUMMER. The kids are going to have a blast with their Granny and Grandad...cookie making, crafts, staying over once in awhile, family dinners....maybe they'll even come to our church...they need that, I think, to have relatives close by. We are so excited that they are coming! They will be visiting this summer, to kind of get an idea of the neighbourhoods and houses and all. It's going to be fun. :)
Daughter was very disappointed with the week. She had been sooooo excited. Her Auntie was coming. She had waited since before Christmas, and had all these amazing plans for things she wanted to do and show her Auntie. Auntie came, and the first day was fine...but then the rest of the week she slowly started getting disappointed. But because she is 6-going-on-50, she never said anything. She took it like an adult, and didn't complain, didn't tell me how she felt...until last night, when she broke down in tears. "All week, I kept asking, do you want to play with me? Do you want to play Barbies? Will you play a game with me? And all she ever said was 'maybe later, not right now,I don't really feel like doing that'....but Mommy, later never CAME! She never wants to do ANYTHING with me! All she wants to do is sit and watch TV and now she said no because she wants to watch the show...but she already WATCHED that one, YESTERDAY!"
My poor baby. Her heart was breaking, because, being 6, she took it personally, and because she is so mature, she wouldn't say anything to Auntie. Husband and I comforted her in her room, and because she has the week off, we saw a good opportunity to give her a little extra attention...if there was something she would like to do, and it was at all humanly possible, we would do it. It looks like we are planning a dress up tea party with cake, maybe with a friend from kindergarten coming over to join us. But she was still disappointed, and after saying goodnight to them, she told me "They never even hugged me goodnight, just walked in, said goodnight, and walked out"
Now before anybody jumps all over Auntie and Uncle, I honestly believe they had no idea how they came across, and I was too uncomfortable to bring it up. They have conflicting schedules, so although they have been married nearly 4 years, they haven't spent much time together....so we left them pretty much to do as they pleased, which was basically a lot of sitting on the couch, side by side, under a comforter. I'm glad they got to spend the time together....I just wish it could have been done in a way that didn't break my daughter's heart.
I really hope the next time will go better. Perhaps by then, they will be a little more in tune with the kids' viewpoints and feelings, maybe feeling a bit more energetic, and therefore more up to playing with the kids.
It was great to see them and have them here, don't get me wrong...but when my child feels that someone only came to see me and Husband, and not her, something has gone terribly wrong.
My title says excitement, too, and that is as a result of a phone conversation we had yesterday. Originally, my parents were planning on getting a smaller house this summer, then in a few years, considering moving here....then it changed to they were staying in their house they have now, and moving here in 3 years...as of yesterday's call, the plan is that they are moving here NEXT SUMMER. The kids are going to have a blast with their Granny and Grandad...cookie making, crafts, staying over once in awhile, family dinners....maybe they'll even come to our church...they need that, I think, to have relatives close by. We are so excited that they are coming! They will be visiting this summer, to kind of get an idea of the neighbourhoods and houses and all. It's going to be fun. :)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Signing In
It's been a few days and i have been lax in this blog....it's been busy....sort of. Sis and b-i-l are here. Nice to see them, but I think they're getting bored to death....I don't know what sorts of things they want to do, and they won't tell me. I ask and get "I dunno". I'd take them to the Science centre, but it costs a lot....I'd take them to the museum, but I don't know if they'd be interested. We could sit and watch movie after movie....if that's what they want to do. But I DON'T KNOW!!!!!
In any case...I did two routes today, and didn't go to the gym. I think I'm coming down with a cold, complete with sneezing and sore throat. Ugh. Lovely way to approach Easter weekend. Well, no papers and no gym tomorrow, because of Good Friday, so I'll be able to sleep in a whole extra 4 hours, until 8.
We finally got the van in on Tuesday afternoon, and have a shiny new van with many bells and whistles from the rental place...hoping we get the van back soon so we don't have to pay extra for mileage and extra days and all. And I want my van back because I'm not used to this one....and it's so inconspicuous that not only do I feel weird NOT having people looking at the car, but it makes it VERY hard to find in a parking lot, as opposed to the van where you stand, gaze across the parking lot, and easily lock onto the very obvious, highly visibly decalled Doctor Dave van.
Well, I think I've updated things for now. Hang in there if it's another few days before i write....I'm still around. :)
In any case...I did two routes today, and didn't go to the gym. I think I'm coming down with a cold, complete with sneezing and sore throat. Ugh. Lovely way to approach Easter weekend. Well, no papers and no gym tomorrow, because of Good Friday, so I'll be able to sleep in a whole extra 4 hours, until 8.
We finally got the van in on Tuesday afternoon, and have a shiny new van with many bells and whistles from the rental place...hoping we get the van back soon so we don't have to pay extra for mileage and extra days and all. And I want my van back because I'm not used to this one....and it's so inconspicuous that not only do I feel weird NOT having people looking at the car, but it makes it VERY hard to find in a parking lot, as opposed to the van where you stand, gaze across the parking lot, and easily lock onto the very obvious, highly visibly decalled Doctor Dave van.
Well, I think I've updated things for now. Hang in there if it's another few days before i write....I'm still around. :)
Monday, April 2, 2007
Well, today is THE DAY....my sister and b-i-l arrive sometime after lunch, and I am NOT READY!!!! If it was only me living here, the place would have been clean a long time ago, but with Husband, two kids, and two cats to "help", things are still a mess. So I will not go wolf down some oatmeal, and maybe a cup of coffee, and then try to clean like a little whirlwind. It won't be perfect, but maybe it will be decently tidy. I hope, I hope.
Had 119 papers today, only did 20 minutes at the gym (cuz Husband had to work early)....heart rate 154.
Had 119 papers today, only did 20 minutes at the gym (cuz Husband had to work early)....heart rate 154.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Family Time
Nothing majorly new to report. No gym today. Slept in until 8:30....have to be at church to practice at 9:15. Cashed in a coupon at DQ yesterday and shared a peanut butter cup blizzard and a cookie dough blizzard with my family after supper. We are on a TV ban for awhile (except if our guests want to watch something) in an attempt to reconnect and such.
Gotta go.
(edited around 8:55PM)
Husband and I went to the clinic tonight because we were in a lot of pain. Good news is I don't have a concussion or any whiplash. Bad news is that we both have strained muscles in our backs and shoulders...muscle relaxants and massage therapy for us both. I am the one worse hurt (or however you say that properly...too tired to care), and need two prescription relaxants to Husband's one, but I think that's because I saw the guy coming, Husband was looking down at something, so wasn't tensed for impact like I was...like the effect they see in drunk people...they get hurt less in drunk driving crashes because they're all relaxed. Same with the kids....they didn't see it coming, so nothing wrong on them.
Have taken my drugs to combat the headache and backache. The strain makes me ultra tired to start with (I feel like I could sleep for days)....now I'm REALLY tired (from the drug)
Gotta go.
(edited around 8:55PM)
Husband and I went to the clinic tonight because we were in a lot of pain. Good news is I don't have a concussion or any whiplash. Bad news is that we both have strained muscles in our backs and shoulders...muscle relaxants and massage therapy for us both. I am the one worse hurt (or however you say that properly...too tired to care), and need two prescription relaxants to Husband's one, but I think that's because I saw the guy coming, Husband was looking down at something, so wasn't tensed for impact like I was...like the effect they see in drunk people...they get hurt less in drunk driving crashes because they're all relaxed. Same with the kids....they didn't see it coming, so nothing wrong on them.
Have taken my drugs to combat the headache and backache. The strain makes me ultra tired to start with (I feel like I could sleep for days)....now I'm REALLY tired (from the drug)
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